
  • 网络Chrismas
  1. 这种统治合法性有三种纯粹的类型:传统型统治、法理型统治、魅力型统治。

    Here are three pure dominant types : the rational domination . the traditional domination and the charming domination .

  2. 从政治运行状态看,中国传统政治则表现为将伦理榜样与政治权威合而为一的魅力型统治。

    The other , from the point of political operation state , it represents a rule of charisma which integrates ethical model with political authority .

  3. 明朝初年的合法性统治中传统型占主导的地位,但是魅力型统治在政权建立的早期也有着特殊的地位。

    Traditional type took dominant police in the early Ming dynasty in legitimacy rule , but charismatic type also took a special position in the early period of the establishment of the regime .