
  • Glamorous;Bring it on;Charisma
  1. 所以第五级领导者是这样一种人,我们不能只专注于他们的外在层面,比如他们是否谦逊、是否害羞、或是魅力四射。

    So the level five is someone , we don 't want to sort of get caught up on the fact , that they are necessarily , self-effacing , necessarily shy , that they necessarily have a charisma by-pass .

  2. 你可能认为住在这样一个魅力四射、充满欢笑的地方要比其他人更幸福。

    You may think people in such a glamorous , fun-filled place are happier than others .

  3. 她总是魅力四射,看上去俨然一位明星。

    She was always glam . She looked like a star .

  4. 他魅力四射,风度翩翩。

    He radiates charm and chic .

  5. 她温存无比,魅力四射而又绝不矫揉造作。

    She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way .

  6. 因此,“时尚女王”看上去总是魅力四射。

    Therefore , fashion queen always looks fabulous1 .

  7. 但在魅力四射的鸟群下方,罗马却遍地狼藉,脏乱不堪。

    But beneath their charm , Rome is rotting , and it 's a hell of a mess . In the cold light of day , the other side of these gorgeous birds is clear .

  8. 现实生活中,饰演洛基的英国演员汤姆?希德勒斯顿(TomHiddleston)在中国和全球都拥有数量庞大的粉丝群,粉丝们认为他温柔细腻、魅力四射。

    In real life , British actor Tom Hiddleston , who plays Loki , has a devoted Chinese and global fan base who see him as a dashing , sensitive heartthrob .

  9. RobLowe将饰演德鲁皮特森一角,在剧中他是一位魅力四射,异性缘极佳的芝加哥警官,在他的第四任太太神秘失踪后却被控谋杀其第三任太太。

    Rob Lowe will play Drew Peterson , a charismatic , womanizing Chicago police officer that was charged with the death of his third wife after the mysterious disappearance of his fourth wife .

  10. 无论什么时期,世界上最好的八名马球选手中,总有七名来自阿根廷,而今这项运动正在经历着某种复兴,至少在马球巡回赛(PoloTour)中格外魅力四射的埃塞基耶尔·莫雷诺(EzequielMoreno)看来确然如此。

    At any given time , seven of the eight best polo players in the world hail from Argentina , and the sport is experiencing a revival of sorts , at least according to the ultra-charming Ezequiel Moreno of Polo Tour .

  11. 凯利史密斯是知名高管领导力培训师马歇尔史密斯的女儿,她魅力四射,凭借古怪的幽默感和通过真实场景解释复杂的概念而走红——她甚至还在课程视频中剪辑了她作为选手参加真人秀电视节目《幸存者》(Survivor)的片段。

    The charismatic daughter of renowned executive leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith is known for her quirky humor and her explanations of complex concepts with authentic scenarios -- she even incorporated clips of her stint as a contestant on reality TV show " Survivor " in a course video .

  12. 因为你是一个魅力四射的白种妙龄女郎。

    Because you 're a young , attractive white woman .

  13. 因为你是一个魅力四射的白种妙龄女郎

    Because you 're a young , attractive white female

  14. 我会把你变得魅力四射。

    KATE : I 'll make you look gorgeous .

  15. 艾丽斯在聚会上安静腼腆,而她的姐姐却魅力四射!

    Alice is shy and quiet at parties , but her sister really sparkles !

  16. 我想让他们看上去魅力四射。

    We want them to look so glamorous .

  17. 做回那个魅力四射的你自己就好。

    Just be your charming and brooding self .

  18. 2003青岛国际时装周魅力四射

    2003 Qingdao International Fashionable Dress Week Fascinates

  19. 在这个阶段,我们可以完全制造出魅力四射的的谈话内容和消息。

    It is in this stage that we can truly produce captivating content and messages .

  20. 现在,我自信在任何时间,任何地点,我都可以结识到魅力四射的女性。

    I know that anytime , anywhere , I can go out and meet attractive women .

  21. 纸盒包装:功能性好魅力四射前途广阔

    Great future of Carton Packaging

  22. 慷慨大方,魅力四射,充满活力,你最适合的国度就是巴西。

    Generous , charming , and always full of energy , you 'd fit right in in Brazil .

  23. 《金刚狼》是部普通的电影,仅仅利用了杰克曼的知名度和魅力四射的角色“罗根”而已。

    The Wolverine was a mediocre movie that simply capitalized on Jackman 's popularity and overall appeal Logan .

  24. 理查德:它们当然不一样了!那时候的电影全是魅力四射的美女和英俊潇洒的男主角。

    Richard : they sure are ! Back then movies were full of glamorous women and handsome leading men .

  25. 送你百合花,祝我们的爱情永恒;送你玫瑰花,祝你魅力四射顶呱呱!

    Send your lilies , I wish our eternal love , Send your roses , wish your charm honey !

  26. 回首人生历程,青春年少曾经太多的忧虑,魅力四射时曾经太多的感动。

    A life course , youthful days once too much anxiety , full of charm had too many moving .

  27. 竟然是上帝赐予我每天都在我眼前活灵活现的那个聪明且魅力四射的年轻人

    It was this smart and charismatic young man who God had put in front of me every single day .

  28. “我喜欢打扮成玛丽莲。梦露那样魅力四射性感迷人的风格。”她说。

    " Sometimes I like to be glamorous and sexy in a Marilyn Monroe type of way ," she has said .

  29. 魅力四射的麻豆凯蒂·普莱斯计划要出另一本关于自己私生活的书了,她说这可能会让彼得“害怕”。

    The glamour model is planning yet another tell-all book about her life , and she said he should be'scared ' .

  30. 风趣、机智、热情、魅力四射、富有同情心,她具有了脱口秀主持人所应具备的全部素质。

    She was funny , witty , charming , warm , andcompassionate . She was everything a talk show host shouldbe .