
  • 网络charismatic leadership;charismatic leader
  1. 他的执拗性格与马斯内执掌NAP时倡导的“共享激情”企业文化形成了鲜明对比,马斯内的巨大声望以及魅力型领导风格是NAP成功的法宝。

    His bullish attitude stood in stark contrast to the culture of shared passion engendered by Ms Massenet at Net-a-Porter , where her popularity and charismatic leadership style were considered integral to the company 's success .

  2. 我国企业魅力型领导的特质结构研究

    A Research on the Trait and Structure of Charismatic Leadership in Chinese Enterprises

  3. 魅力型领导行为对自主技术创新的影响&机制与情境因素研究

    Charismatic Leadership and Self-innovation : Mechanism and Contingency

  4. 魅力型领导与变革型领导行为比较研究

    Developing an Understanding of Charismatic and Transformational Leadership

  5. 魅力型领导行为与组织公民行为关系研究

    Research on Relationship between Charismatic Leadership and OCB

  6. 实证研究结果表明,团队成员角色的明确、智力开发与魅力型领导与团队的有效性存在正向相关关系。

    Perceived leadership role clarification , intellectual stimulation , and charismatic behaviors significantly correlated with team effectiveness .

  7. 在高危机组织情景下,魅力型领导与下属组织承诺无显著相关关系;

    In the situation of high crisis , the correlation-ship between charismatic leadership and organizational commitment is not significant ;

  8. 因此本文采取实证研究的方法,试图探讨在不同组织危机情景下魅力型领导与领导有效性的相关关系。

    So this paper applied with empirical study to probe into the performance of charismatic leadership under different organization crisis .

  9. 第三部分则进行了中西方学者魅力型领导理论的研究动态综述,阐明笔者的研究基础。

    The third part presents the current research situation of scholars home and abroad , which is the foundation of the author 's research .

  10. 二十世纪九十年代起,魅力型领导突破了传统型领导理论的框架,成为领导理论研究的方向之一。

    In the 1990 's , charismatic leadership broke through traditional frame of leadership theories , and became one of the orientations in leadership research .

  11. 魅力型领导不止能对下级员工的职业生涯成功产生直接的影响,而且还会通过下属心理授权和上级支持感间接影响下属职业成功。

    Charismatic leadership can not only directly impact on career success , but also indirectly influence subordinates career success through its psychological empowerment and perceived supervisor support .

  12. 通过中介关系结构模型分析表明魅力型领导行为可以通过员工的自我效能和自尊而作用于组织公民行为。

    The results from media model analysis showed that charismatic leadership influenced organizational citizenship behaviors , and the relationship was mediated by employee 's self-efficacy and self-esteem .

  13. 但他们的研究主要是对魅力型领导做总体性的分析,极少针对某个国家或者某个行业进行细致深入的探讨。

    Before the study was the general nature of charismatic leadership to do the analysis , very few countries or a particular industry for an in-depth discussion .

  14. 众多研究者们认为魅力型领导适用于大多数的组织情景,而且对魅力型领导与组织危机情景因素也曾有一些研究,但是一方面研究者们对此说法不一;

    Some researchers thought that charismatic leadership be suitable for most organization situations , and there were some studies on the relationship between charismatic leadership and organization crisis .

  15. 情境因素的改变和面临的挑战将导致魅力型领导的转变,否则将不能适应企业的发展。

    Due to environmental changes and challenges , will lead to charismatic leadership must reform , otherwise will not be able to adapt to development of the enterprise .

  16. 而在最近几年中,领导理论研究的一个越来越明显的趋势,是对魅力型领导的研究焦点已转移到情绪智力的引入上。

    In recent years , a growing trend on the study of theories of leadership is that research focusing on Charismatic leadership has been shifting the introduction of emotional intelligence .

  17. 这种情境因素包括:企业创业、危机和企业转型等。3、魅力型领导在民营企业管理中的有效性主要表现在:个体、群体和组织三个层面。

    These situational factors include : business venturing , crisis , corporate restructuring and so on.3.In private enterprises , the effectiveness of charismatic leadership is mainly reflected in individual , group and organizational level .

  18. 自上世纪七十年代以来,魅力型领导受到研究者的广泛关注,通过大量深入的研究,研究者们取得了不少积极的研究成果,而且还得到了大量实证的支持。

    From the seventies of last century , more and more researchers focus on charismatic leadership , and they have made enormous achievement by large number of in-depth research , and there is ample evidence confirmed the validity of research results .

  19. 本研究从领导风格的角度出发,在个体层面探究魅力型领导对下属职业成功的影响,并引入心理授权和上级支持感作为中介变量,探究其在魅力型领导和下属职业成功之间的中介作用。

    This study explore the impact of the charismatic leadership on subordinate career success from the perspective of leadership style at the individual level , and introduce psychological empowerment and perceived supervisor support as intervening variables , then explore its intermediary role between charismatic leadership and subordinate career success .

  20. 显然处于转型经济中的中国企业,尤其需要培养和造就一大批魅力型领导者。然而相对国外已经比较成熟和完善的魅力型领导理论体系,国内的相关研究还处于起步阶段。

    Therefore , Chinese corporations under transitional economy in particular need to foster and train a large number of charismatic leaders . However , compared to well-developed western charismatic leadership theory framework , such studies in China are still at the beginning stage .