
  • 网络Succubus;Demon;succubi
  1. 魅魔雕文:重新设计成从被诱惑的目标身上移除所有的持续伤害效果。

    Glyph of Succubus : Redesigned to remove all damage-over-time effects from the target of Seduce .

  2. 魅魔?同上。我会一个一个的检查每个宠物,让我想象还有什么应该修改的。

    Succubus ? Same deal . I 'll go through pet by pet and throw out some things that I think could change .

  3. 这算啥啊,我要像猎人一样自主改名!我要改魅魔的名字!

    Warlocks will be able to re-summon their demon with a fresh name .

  4. 在我所有的学习研究中,我必须要说最有趣的当属我对魅魔进行的采访。

    In all my studies , I must say that the most intriguing was my interview with the desire demon .

  5. 它是自动持续到目标受到伤害,就像忏悔和妖术一样,还是像魅魔的诱惑一样需要引导?

    Does it last until the target takes damage , like Repentance or Hex , or is it channeled like the succubus minion 's Seduction ?

  6. 单体的指向型嘲讽很不错,我们等着把他放到未来适合的英雄身上(魅魔?)

    A single target skill shot taunt would work , we 're just waiting to place it on a champion that it would fit on ( perhaps a Succubus ???) .