
  • 网络Upside Down
  1. 《怪奇物语》的粉丝们还得多等等才能再次看到逆世界,不过虽然第三季依旧让我们等得很焦急,我们现在实际上已经知道Netflix这部超自然热播剧的一些情报了,下面就来盘点一下:

    It 'll be awhile before Stranger Things fans can return to the Upside Down , but while we 're all anxiously waiting for Season 3 to premiere , here 's a rundown of what we know is coming up on Netflix 's supernatural hit :

  2. 他们中的大多数人都在观看独立日的焰火表演,但来自逆世界的游客,十一和威尔似乎被隐藏在他们身后的东西吸引了。

    Most of them are watching Independence Day fireworks , but it appears that frequent visitors of the Upside Down , Eleven and Will , are preoccupied with whatever 's lurking behind them .

  3. 秦刚说,当今时代,要和平、求合作、促发展已成为世界潮流,而美国挑动意识形态、社会制度的对立,是逆世界潮流的行动,是不得人心的。

    Qin Gang said the US incitement of ideological confrontation in social systems goes against the world trends and is discouraging , as the present world trend is characterized with peace , cooperation and development .

  4. 东北亚地区可以说是地球上唯一的逆全世界脱冷战潮流之势而仍然处于冷战体制下的地区。

    Northeast Asia can be said that the only area which is still under the system of the Cold War while all the word is deviating from the trend .