
  1. 提出实体参数化逆向造型设计的方法,介绍应用该方法开发圆锥齿轮三维实体参数化造型设计系统的过程.基于SolidWorks的圆柱直齿轮参数化设计

    Process of parametric modeling of bevel gear with standard evolute tooth on PC based CAD system is presented . Development of Parameterized Design for Straight Bevel Gear Based on SolidWorks

  2. 首先,根据摩托车的油泥模型进行逆向造型,包括数据采集和曲面重构过程,并运用CATIA软件建立起合适的三维模型。

    First converse design is taken according to the clay model of the motorcycle , including data acquisition and surface reconstruction process , and then a suitable three-dimensional model is established with CATIA software .

  3. 曲线曲面拟合在逆向造型设计中的应用

    The Application Study of Curve and Surface Fitting in Reverse Moulding Design

  4. 圆锥齿轮实体参数化逆向造型设计

    Parameterized Modeling of Bevel Gear with Commercial CAD Software

  5. 车灯逆向造型辅助功能二次开发

    Second-exploitative Function for Motor Lamp 's Reverse Engineering

  6. 基于多幅图像的逆向造型方法初步研究

    Reverse solid modeling method based on multiple images

  7. 液力变矩器一体化设计液力变矩器逆向造型

    Reverse Modeling of Hydraulic Torque Converter

  8. 随着市场竞争加剧,要求产品快速响应市场需求,逆向造型技术得到广泛研究和应用。

    With increasing competition of market , product is desired to quickly response to market demand . Reverse Engineering Modeling technique is widely researched and application .

  9. 然而,受被测产品的定位、尺寸、障碍处理、表面物理属性、变形等因素的影响,三坐标测量数据不能直接用于逆向造型。

    However , CMM data can not be used directly in the modeling because of the orientation , dimension , obstruction handling , superficial physical property and distortion of the products be measured .

  10. 和第二章手绘正向造型不同的是,第三章描述了手绘方法在逆向造型中的应用:点云表面曲线的手绘构建。

    Be different with obverse modeling method described in chapter 2nd , chapter 3rd introduces an application of freehand sketching applied in reverse engineering modeling : curves construction onto point cloud based on sketches .

  11. 基于RBF的模具复杂曲面的逆向工程造型

    Reverse Engineering Modeling of the Complicated Curved Surface of the Mould Based on RBF

  12. 齿轮实体参数化逆向虚拟造型设计的方法

    Approach to Parameterization Reversing Design for Modeling a Solid Gear

  13. 基于神经网络的铸造模具曲面逆向工程造型

    Surface Modeling Reverse Engineering of Casting Mould Based on ANN

  14. 复合材料覆盖件及其模具曲面逆向工程造型

    Reverse Engineering Styling of Composite Panels and Die Surface

  15. 对线结构激光测量原理及其获取的点云数据的预处理、曲线拟合、曲面重构、误差评价方法等逆向工程造型过程进行了研究。

    The theory of line structure laser sensor is researched , and the point cloud is collected by this theory . After that , the data preprocessing , the curve fitting , and the surface reconstruction is researched .

  16. 车身结构复杂曲面CAD逆向三维空间造型方法研究

    Study on 3D CAD Reconstructing Method of Car Body Complex Surface

  17. 根据逆向工程中的造型和注塑模具的设计要求,用UG/MoldWizard对注塑模具进行设计、UGNX对模具型腔进行数控编程实践。我国硬质合金模具应用技术与市场分析

    Based on the request of the construction and injection mold designing , the designing , manufacturing is practiced in UG / Mold Wizard and UG NX . APPLICATION TECHNIQUE AND MARKET ANALYSIS OF CEMENTED CARBIDE DIE SET IN CHINA

  18. 三坐标数据测量是逆向工程的基础,而三坐标测量数据处理则是其中的一个重要环节,在很大程度上制约着逆向造型的质量和效率。

    3D measurement is a basic process , and data processing is one of the most important processes in reverse engineering , which affect the quality of product .