
  • 网络Surface modeling;surface modelling
  1. 双三次B样条曲面建模及其三坐标数控加工研究

    Study on Bi-cubic B-spline Curved Surface Modeling and Three-coordinates NC Machining

  2. 介绍了NURBS曲面建模技术在产品创新设计中的应用,NURBS曲线和曲面及其性质。

    The application of NURBS surface modeling techniques in the product creative design is described .

  3. 利用数码相机实现复杂形体的3D曲面建模

    3D Modeling for Complex Free-Form Shape by Digital Camera

  4. 基于不同CAD软件平台的反求工程曲面建模

    Reverse Engineering Surface Modelling Based on Different CAD Software Platforms

  5. 通过获取的关键点信息生成人体躯干部位点云的三维坐标数据,对点云数据进行网格化处理后,基于三次B样条技术进行了人体曲面建模。

    Surfaces model of body based on Cubic B-spline technology is built after point cloud data being grid processed .

  6. 在C中结合OpenGL的NURBS曲面建模的实现

    Construction of NURBS surface in C # with OpenGL

  7. 提出了一类卷曲模型的NURBS曲面建模新方法。

    A NURBS surface fitting method with tight tolerance for wrap-around models is presented .

  8. MDT曲面建模技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Surface Modeling under the Environment of MDT

  9. 利用现代CAD技术建立了轴向后弯式增压器涡轮的实体模型,并用有限元法对其进行变结构模态特性研究,给出了不同截面叶片的曲面建模方法。

    The solid models of axial back swept turbines are established by means of advanced CAD techniques and the finite element method is used in studying their modal characteristics .

  10. 以生产准备中磨叶片工具的计算为例,使用三维CAD系统的自由曲面建模技术,精确计算出叶片工具设计中所需叶片通道数据。

    In computation on blade grounding tool design in technical preparation , accurate blade passage data necessary for tool design has been obtained using free camber modeling technique of 3D CAD .

  11. 点云处理、特征提取与曲面建模、逆向曲面质量评价及对下游工程的影响分析是逆向CAD模型重构中的几个关键环节。

    Point cloud processing , picking-up of features , reverse evaluation of curved-surface quality and influence analysis on followed-up engineering are several key links in the reverse reconstruction of CAD model .

  12. 针对母楦检测数据中存在噪声点会对鞋楦曲面建模和加工质量产生不良影响的问题,研究了分段N点平均滤波法和最小二乘数据修均法两种光顺处理算法。

    Because the noise in detecting data of shoe last has bad effects on last 's surface and machining , it advices two smoothing methods of subsection N-points mean value filtering and least square patching fitting .

  13. 为了克服螺旋槽加工轨迹复杂、刀具路径计算困难等问题,选择了数控加工的CAD/CAM自动编程方法及具有强大曲面建模和加工仿真功能的CAD/CAM集成系统软件Pro/Engineer。

    CAD / CAM automatic programming and Pro / Engineer software which has powerful solid modeling and machining simulating function are chosen because of complicated machining track and tool path of spiral groove .

  14. 利用基于UG的参数化草图设计与自由曲面建模技术,详细介绍开发一款外观新颖、功能丰富的MP3播放器的设计思路与方法。

    With the help of the parametric sketch design and freeform surface modeling technology based on UG , the ideas and methods about the development of a versatile MP3 player with original appearance has been presented in detail .

  15. 提出了一种基于Poser人体模型库模型的人体曲面建模和模型局部尺寸调节的方法,并以此为基础开发出了一套基于模型的人体建模系统。

    An approach for human surface modeling and local size modification on generated model is proposed , which is based on the human body library of Poser .

  16. 提出了以NURBS曲面建模的方法来建立辣椒叶的模型,研究了控制辣椒叶片形状特性的NURBS控制点的选取方法,并通过控制点的调整,可灵活的控制叶片的形状。

    The method of NURBS control points selection is studied . Through adjusting the control points , the leaf shape can be flexibly changed . ( 3 ) By using the ellipsoid parametric equation with distortion to model the capsicum fruit .

  17. 本文概述了地形地貌的传统表达方法,之后介绍了曲面建模、DEM模型和分形技术等常用的三维地形地貌建模方法,重点介绍了分形技术。

    This paper firstly presents several traditional methods to express land-forms , and then introduces three main methods to model 3D landforms , namely , the surface modeling , the DEM modeling and the fractal technique , the latter is especially described in detail .

  18. 系统的关键技术包括:曲面建模与重构、曲面求交、弧长计算、映射原理、曲线插值、CATIA二次开发技术等。基于上述展开原理,本文采用两种方式实现了汽车玻璃曲面展开。

    The key technologies include surface modeling and reconstruction , surface intersection , calculation of arc length , mapping principle , curve interpolation , second development of CATIA etc * With the above technologies , two means are adopted to realize the flattening of automotive glass surface .

  19. 针对目前的UTD方法无法处理任意弯曲模型这一缺陷,该文将CAGD中广泛使用的NURBS曲面建模技术与计算电磁学中广泛使用的UTD方法相结合,讨论了NURBS-UTD方法的反射射线寻迹算法。

    The traditional UTD method cannot deal with practical arbitrary models . To overcome the shortcoming , an algorithm for tracing the reflected ray , which combines NURBS modeling used widely in CAGD with UTD method used widely in computational electromagnetics , is investigated in this paper .

  20. 产品设计系统中复杂曲面建模的研究

    The Study on Complicated Bend Surface Modeling in Product Design System

  21. 一种基于离散数据的自由曲面建模方法

    Surface Modeling Approach for Free-form Surface Based on the Discrete Data

  22. 基于参数曲面建模的车身表面逆向设计研究

    Study on Autobody Surface Reversing Design Based on Parametric Modeling

  23. 基于空间散乱点的复杂曲面建模与可视化研究

    Research on Complex Suface Modeling and Visualization Based on 3-D Scattered Points

  24. Pro/Engineer中曲面建模的方法与应用

    Method and Application of Surface Modeling in Pro / Engineer

  25. 定性立体形状表达和建模方法基于形状特征的自由曲面建模技术

    Free-form surface modeling based on shape characteristics in reverse engineering

  26. 高精度曲面建模最佳表达形式的数值实验分析

    Numerical Tests for Optimal Formulation of High Accuracy Surface Modelling

  27. 激光测量技术在摩托车外壳曲面建模中的应用

    Application of Laser Measurement in Development of Motorcycle Slipcover

  28. 基于特征的车身组件曲面建模

    Vehicle body curved face modeling based on features

  29. 车身曲面建模的设计方法

    Design Method of Vehicle Body Curved Surface Model

  30. 栅格型点云数据的自由曲面建模技术研究

    Free Form Surface Modeling with Grid Cloud Data