
  • 网络crank angle;crankangle
  1. 随着曲轴转角进一步增大,约在100°CA时缸内靠近活塞的横截面上出现单旋涡;

    While the crank angle increasing about 100 °, there only exists single vortex at the cross section near the piston .

  2. 选用压电式压力传感器测量缸内气体压力;选用转角编码器测量变频电机转速与曲轴转角;制作了K型热电偶测量所需的温度数据。

    Choose piezoelectric pressure sensor measuring cylinder gas pressure ; choose the angle encoder to measure converter motor speed and crank angle ; made K-type thermocouple measurements required temperature data . 4 .

  3. 在VC中设计了热计算和动力学计算模块,可以计算出任何曲轴转角下发动机连杆传递到连杆轴颈上的连杆力。

    The connecting rod force can be calculated by the thermal-calculate module and the dynamics-calculate module at any crankshaft rotate-angle in VC .

  4. 最后通过FIRE对进气过程进行瞬态模拟计算并揭示了缸内涡流、滚流等气流在缸内的形状、大小和数目随曲轴转角的变化关系。

    Finally , simulate the transient intake process on FIRE and reveals the shape , size and number of vortex flow , swirl flow , and other air flow in the cylinder relations with the crank angle .

  5. 最后给出了TKE(湍流动能)随曲轴转角的变化图。

    The relation of the TKE ( turbulence kinetic energy ) with crank angle was understood .

  6. 惰性组分系数的增加能减小同一曲轴转角下的高温分布区域,同时,OH根的浓度明显下降,火焰发展期增加,NO生成量会随之降低。

    Meanwhile , with the increase of the volume fraction of inert gas in fuel , the higher temperature area decreases at the same crank angle . At the same time , the flame development duration increase remarkably , but the amount of NO emission reduce .

  7. LPG替代率较小时,预混进气方式与混合喷射方式相比滞燃期较长,最高爆发压力和最大燃烧放热率较低,对应的曲轴转角滞后;

    When the LPG alternating ratio is smaller , the ignition delay of pre-mixing model is longer , and the peak cylinder pressure and heat release rate are higher than those of mixing injection model , and their corresponding crank angles retard .

  8. 并以S195柴油机为研究对象,对额定工况下S195柴油机的示功图和曲柄连杆机构的动力学公式进行了编程计算,绘制出机构动态力随曲轴转角的变化曲线。

    This paper applies software Matlab compile calculated program of kinetic formula , drew the show power diagram and crank-link mechanism dynamic force of the S195 internal combustion engine .

  9. 测量结果表明,微粒粒数浓度随曲轴转角呈单峰状分布,峰值出现在14~18°CAATDC,燃烧后期约70%以上的微粒(粒数浓度)被氧化燃烧。

    The experimental results indicated that the particulate number concentration showed unimodal distribution with the crank angle (° CA ), and the peak point lied at about 14 ~ 18 ° CA ATDC . The particulate was oxidized by above 70 % in the late combustion phase .

  10. 内燃机曲轴转角窗口控制器的研制

    Development of Crank Angle ' Window ' Controller for IC Engine

  11. 燃烧生物柴油时,高转速工况下的燃烧终点对应的曲轴转角较低转速时有所增加,燃烧持续期对应的角度有所延长。

    When bio-diesel fuel operates on high-speed condition , combustion duration will be extended .

  12. 高分辨率曲轴转角信号发生器

    High Resolution Angular Transducer for Crankshaft

  13. 首次计算出连接通道流量系数随曲轴转角的瞬时变化规律。

    The transient change of discharge coefficient via engine crank angle is calculated for the first time .

  14. 随气门升程的降低,最大平均湍动能增加,并且峰值对应的曲轴转角后推。

    When MVL is reduced , the maximum averaged fluctuation kinetic energy increases significantly at all crank angles .

  15. 分析比较了火花点火发动机循环变动的评价方法,并提出了用各个曲轴转角下的压力变动率曲线表示压力循环变动的方法。

    The methods of evaluation on pressure cyclic variation in a spark ignition engine are studied in this paper .

  16. 各计算量均作为曲轴转角和燃烧室径向位置的函数;

    Each quantity is considered to be a function of the crank angle and radial position in the combustion chamber .

  17. 电控发动机的动力控制依靠电控单元对燃油量的计算和对曲轴转角的设定。

    Power control of electronic controlled engine is basing on the fuel quantity value calculation and the crank 's angle setting .

  18. 计算结果表明,在上止点前较大的曲轴转角范围内,纵剖面流场结构相似。

    The results show that the flow field structures on longitudinal section are similar in a certain crank angle range before TDC .

  19. 研究农明:曲轴转角上止点附近,自由基迅速生成并快速消耗,反应放出大量的热,温度度迅速升高。

    Results showed that free radicals were generated and consumed quickly near TDC , lots of heat was released and the temperature increased rapidly .

  20. 压缩过程中缸内气体的平均湍动能随曲轴转角的增大呈先减小后增大再减小的趋势。

    With the increase of crank angle , the mean kinetic energy of in-cylinder turbulence during compression stroke decreases at first , then increases and finally decreases again .

  21. 通过分析在内燃机压燃燃烧边界条件下二甲醚高温氧化反应过程中的关键基元反应速度、关键中间产物以及自由基的浓度随曲轴转角的变化,得到了二甲醚燃烧氧化的高温反应途经。

    The chemical kinetics process of dimethyl ether oxidation at high temperature was obtained by analyzing the reaction rates of the key elementary reactions , the key intermediate species and radicals .

  22. 该系统可测量内燃机主轴承的油膜厚度、油膜温度、曲轴转角、转速、轴心轨迹和最小油膜厚度。

    It can measure the oil film thickness , oil temperature , crank angle , speed , journal center locus and minimum oil film thickness of main bearing in diesel engine .

  23. 通过分析不同情况下活塞的无量纲横向位移和无量纲横向加速度随曲轴转角的变化关系,得出了影响发动机运转噪声的实质性因素。

    By analyzing the change relation of piston zero dimension transverse displacement and acceleration with crankshaft corner under different situations , it obtained the substantive factors influencing the running noise to strike the cylinder .

  24. 详细分析了整数圈数双头涡旋齿涡旋盘所受的切向力气体力、法向气体力、轴向气体力,提出了在任意曲轴转角下的各种气体力及各个工作腔容积的计算公式。

    On the basis of the analysis of each gas force in the twin - scroll compressors , the calculation formulae of working volume and each gas force at all different crankshaft angles were derived .

  25. 反映四冲程汽油机的活塞在气缸中的位置时,要用到三个位置信号:上止点信号、压缩行程信号、曲轴转角信号。

    It is necessary to use three position signals when reflect the position of Four Stroke Gasoline Engine 's piston in cylinder : Top Dead Center Signal , Compression Stroke Signal , Crankshaft Position Signal .

  26. 燃烧初期放热尖峰出现时刻对应的曲轴转角有所提前,瞬时放热率峰值下降;柴油机燃烧放热率的计算

    The peak value of initial heat release is decreased and its corresponding crank angle moves close to the top-dead-center along with the increased combustion duration . The Calculation of the Heat Release Rates in Diesel Engine

  27. 该控制系统利用最高燃烧压力点的曲轴转角作为反馈信号,实现其对发动机点火正时的控制。

    In this system the crankshaft rotating angle , where the peak combustion pressure occurs , is taken to be a feed back signal , so that the ignition timing of the engine is able to be controlled .

  28. 选取部分曲轴转角下的应力分布云图与静力学计算结果进行对比,分析两者之间的差异及产生的原因。分析表明,曲柄连杆机构动力学仿真计算结果更为合理,更接近于实际情况。

    The cloud picture of stress distribution and static calculation under selected crankshaft angles were compared to analyze the difference and cause . As indicated by the analysis result , the dynamic simulation was more reasonable and accurate than static simulation .

  29. 在少量曲轴转角区间内附着力矩小于转动阻力矩,此时活塞环不能与活塞保持同步而是与活塞之间发生相对转动;

    Because the clingy moment of the compression ring was less than the rotational resistance moment in a few section of the crank angle , it was unable for the ring to keep synchronism with the piston and hence rotated opposite to the piston .

  30. 为了提高车用发动机运行过程经济性,利用函数链神经网络对曲轴转角值所对应的气缸压力数据进行了拟合,得到了基于函数链神经网络的车用发动机气缸压力数据采集系统。

    In order to improve the efficiency of vehicle engine , a data acquisition system of the cylinder pressure in vehicle engine could be gotten when a fitting formula about cylinder pressure based on different signal of crank speed was established by using function chain neural network .