
  • 网络Capsule;Bellow;diaphragm capsule
  1. 清洗膜盒组件时,须格外注意下列各项。

    Exercise care as follows when cleaning the capsule assembly .

  2. 用新的垫圈更换这两个膜盒垫圈。

    Replace the two capsule gaskets with new gaskets .

  3. 膜盒是一种密封的弹簧绉纹管,可以感受到大气压力的变化。

    An aneroid is a sealed bellows which is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure .

  4. 当大气压力增加时,膜盒压紧而缩短

    When pressure is increased , the ancroid is squeezed , so It'shortens .

  5. 本文从设计计算,制造与应用3方面,就国产3YC20弹性合金(系机电部重庆仪表材料研究所产品牌号,相当于00Cr17Ni13M03)制造替代进口的316L材料的波纹膜片膜盒,进行了实验研究。

    Calculations for Circular Arc Type Corrugated Membrane The feasibility and reliability of imported 316L alloy diaphragn substituted by 3YC20 ( self-made ) elastic alloy diaphragm in imported instruments were studied .

  6. 飞机压力信号器膜盒破裂原因分析

    Rupture Analysis of Hydraulic Signal Meter Film Box for the Airplane

  7. 石英膜盒制造工艺研究石英试板的磨制方法

    The Processing Method of Quartz Capsule THE METHOD OF MAKING QUARTZ PLATE

  8. 膜盒压力计式煤气欠压报警装置的研究

    Study of gas LP alarming device of diaphragm pressure gauge

  9. 膜盒气压高度表系统分析与优化方法

    The methods of systems analysis and Optimization for the aneroid barometric altimeter

  10. 当受到压力时,膜盒移动一个预设距离。

    When subjected to pressure , the capsule element moves a predetermined distance .

  11. 温控器膜盒环缝焊接装置设计

    The design of temperature controller circumferential seam welding equipment

  12. 膜盒形变量的激光光栅微机自动测试系统

    A Microcomputer Automatical Measuring System with Laser Holographic Grating of Deformation for Aviation Sylphon

  13. 膜盒差定温组合式探测器

    Combined diaphragm chamber-type rate-of-rise and fixed temperature detector

  14. 不锈钢膜盒的焊接工艺

    Study to welding procedure of stainless steel diaphragm

  15. 航空膜盒双坐标微机-激光自动测试系统

    Packing Seal America Seal A Microcomputer-Based Double Coordinate Measuring System with Laser for Aviation Sylphon

  16. 电容式石英膜盒压力传感器的研制

    Development of Capacitive Type of Quartz Bellows-Gauge

  17. 本文介绍了石英膜盒的工作原理,结构和制造工艺。

    In this paper the principles , Structure and processing methods of quartz capsule are introduced .

  18. 弹性氯丁橡胶膜盒氯丁橡胶波纹管氢化丁腈橡胶/超细全硫化粉末丁腈橡胶共混物的结构与性能研究

    Morphology Structure and Properties of Hydrogenated Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber / Ultra-Fine Full-Vulcanized Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Powder Blends

  19. 膜盒控制的压力传感装置

    Bellows-operated pressure sensing unit

  20. 圆弧形波纹膜片、膜盒、波纹管、焊接波纹管非线性计算通用程序

    A Computer Program for Solving Nonlinear Problems of Circular Arc Corrugated Diaphragms , Capsules , Bellows and Welded Bellows

  21. 分析讨论了智能膜盒特性自动测试系统的工作原理和主要性能参数。

    The operation principle , main performance parameters of the computerize automatic measurement system for bellows characteristic are analysed and discussed .

  22. 采用背面成形技术使膜盒的疲劳寿命提高90%以上。

    Fatigue life is able to increase more than 90 % as using technique that makes bead forming on the back side .

  23. 阳螺纹-阳螺纹管子当两个波纹膜片在边缘处粘结时,就构成一膜盒。

    Pin-to-box pipe When two corrugated diaphragms are joined at the outer edges , the unit is referred to as a capsule .

  24. 膜盒随蒸汽温度变化控制阀门开关,起到阻汽排水作用。

    The bellows controls the opening and closing of valves in accordance with steam temperature changes so as to resist steam and discharge water .

  25. 膜盒,内含低压空气的密封弹性装置。当它周围的压力变化时,会膨胀或收缩。

    ANEROID , A sealed flexible device containing air at low pressure , which expands or contracts during change of pressure outside the device .

  26. 装置刚启动时,管道出现低温冷凝水,膜盒内的液体处于冷凝状态,阀门处于开启位置。

    Device has just started , low-temperature condensate pipeline , the liquid film in condensation inside the box , and valve in the open position .

  27. 用一根垂直弹簧补偿敏感元件的负荷。膜盒是一种密封的弹簧绉纹管,可以感受到大气压力的变化。

    A vertical spring compensates for the weight of the sensing element . An aneroid is a sealed bellows which is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure .

  28. 气压式高度表测量气压是参照海平面的,透过一连串的真空膜盒、齿轮和弹簧来移动刻度盘上的指针。

    The mechanical pressure altimeter measures atmospheric pressure relative to sea level through a series of bellows , gears , and springs , which move pointers on a dial .

  29. 介绍了测试金属波纹管、膜片、膜盒、跳跃膜片等弹性元件特性参数的测试仪。

    Introduced the test metal corrugated pipe , the diaphragm , the bellows , the reflect scope , the reflector , the caper diaphragm , the isoelastic part and characteristic parameter .

  30. 连接变送器与膜盒组件的部分是保持隔爆性能的重要元件,且必须进行检查以验证其无凹痕、刮伤和其他缺陷。

    The section connecting the transmitter and capsule assembly is a critical element in preservation of flameproof performance , and must be checked to verify that it is free of dents , scratches , and other defects .