
  • 网络diaphragm;membrane;Lamina membranacea
  1. 制动机橡胶膜板的研究

    Research on Rubber Diaphragm for Brakes

  2. 利用弹力蛋白酶消融破坏中膜板层连接融合性和升高血压水平,成功建立了犬的StanfordB型主动脉夹层病理生理性模型。

    Use of elastics ablation damage lamellar membrane fusion and linking hypertension , Dogs successfully established the Stanford type B aortic dissection pathophysiological model .

  3. 在多孔Al2O3膜板上制备取向碳纳米管

    The synthesis of aligned carbon nanotubes in the pores of Al_2O_3 templates

  4. 相位掩膜板移动法制作DFB光纤激光器

    DFB Fiber Laser Fabrication by Moving Phase Mask

  5. 采用此公式和探针的原位参数对掩膜板的AFM线宽测量结果进行了修正。

    The amendment expressions and the effective parameters have been utilized to amend the result of the AFM linewidth measurement on a microelectronic mask .

  6. EUV掩膜板被自动送入和送出双盒容器(Dualpod)中;其中内层盒可以储存在InSync系统的环境下。

    EUV masks are automatically transferred into and out of the dual pod ; the inner pod can be stored inside the InSync environment .

  7. 通过灰阶掩膜板及离子刻蚀工艺,研制了Φ100mm的连续位相衍射光学器件。

    The continuous phase diffractive optical element is fabricated by ion etching with hollowed out gray scale mask which is manufactured by linear cutting machine .

  8. 版图共分四版,第一版为台面;阐述了光码分多址(OCDMA)频域编/解码的主要技术:(1)利用光栅-掩膜板;

    This paper summarizes the principal techniques of spectral encoding / decoding for optical code division multiple access ( OCDMA ) including using : ( 1 ) grating and mask plate ;

  9. InSync系统则可直接从掩膜板用容器内接受掩膜板,并直接将其传送到掩膜清洗工具上去。

    Functioning as a loadport the system can accept a reticle dual pod directly from the scanner for transfer to the mask cleaning tool .

  10. 波前编码系统中相位掩膜板的新设计

    New design of cubic-phase-modulation phase masks in wavefront coded imaging system

  11. 全角膜板层带环形结膜移植治疗严重眼表化学烧伤

    Total lamellar corneal and annular conjunctival transplantation for severe ocular chemical burn

  12. 多元超导红外探测器电极掩膜板的制备及应用

    Preparation and Application of the Electrode Mask for Superconductive Multielement IR Detectors

  13. 玻璃基光刻铬掩膜板的膜系研究

    Research on Thin Films of Cr Mask Based on Glass

  14. 啁啾相位掩膜板的衍射特性研究

    Analysis of the Diffractive Characteristic of Chirped Phase Mask

  15. 无阻挡层多孔阳极氧化铝膜板的制备

    The fabrication of porous anodic alumina template without barrier

  16. 橡胶膜板在铁道车辆中的应用

    Application of Rubber Diaphragms in Rolling Stocks

  17. 最后基于带隔热槽电极结构,设计出了波导微环可调谐光滤波器的掩膜板。

    Finally , the mask of polymer waveguide tunable filters with tapered TITs is designed .

  18. 沟道和源漏电极的图案成型是通过镍掩膜板。

    All of the active channel and source / drain electrodes were patterned using nickel shadow masks .

  19. 一个基于膜板比拟理论的四节点二十四自由度的平板壳单元

    A 4-Node , 24 Degree of freedom thin flat shell element based on the membrane-plate similarity theory

  20. 多孔铝模板合成纳米材料的研究无阻挡层多孔阳极氧化铝膜板的制备

    Template Synthesis of Nanostructure Materials in Anodic Alumina Membranes The fabrication of porous anodic alumina template without barrier

  21. 掩膜板上图形的像被投影到许多厘米以外的涂有抗蚀剂的片子上。

    An image of the patterns on the mask is projected onto the resist-coated wafer , which is many centimeters away .

  22. 本论文在不使用膜板的条件下,在不同阳极片上采用一步法电化学聚合制备导电聚苯胺的纳米结构。

    This dissertation presents a simple method ( free-template ) that provides conducting polyaniline nanostructures on different anodes via one-step electropolymerization .

  23. 因此目前电子束光刻设备主要的用途是用于刻制掩膜板,许多人甚至认为电子束光刻技术的产出量永远也无法满足芯片量产的需求。

    E-beam tools are used in photomask writing , but many believe the technology will never be fast enough for high-volume semiconductor lithography .

  24. 相位掩膜板的设计研究是实现波前编码技术不可或缺的重要部分。

    The technique of wavefront coded can extend the depth of field of incoherent optical systems in which the design of phase mask plate is very important .

  25. 光刻工艺是半导体制造中最为重要的工艺步骤之一,其作用是将掩膜板上的图形复制到硅片上,为下一步工序做好准备。

    Lithography process is one of the most important semiconductor manufacturing process steps , it is used to copy mask plate pattern on the silicon wafer for next Lithography step .

  26. 利用激光辐照的方法制备黑硅无需掩膜板,可嵌入到半导体制造过程中,但是飞秒激光设备昂贵,不利于大面积、低成本生产黑硅材料。

    Fabricating black silicon by laser scanning method without mask can be embedded in the semiconductor manufacturing process . While femtosecond laser equipment is too expensive to product large area black silicon at low cost .

  27. 注料管一端与整流阀上的输出管相互衔接,其上适当处设有枢接座,导膜板可枢接于枢接座上;

    The appropriate point on a frame is provided with a film level division filling device which comprises a feed pouring tube , a film guide plate , a location seat and a side baffle .

  28. 完成的主要工作包括以下几个内容:1.根据微流路芯片的工艺原理以及相应的应用要求设计了光刻掩膜板和正交叉十字型微结构芯片。

    The major works include as follows : 1 . According to technology principles of microfluidic chips and corresponding practical requirements , the lithography mask and the cross-shaped micro-structure of microfluidic chips are designed . 2 .

  29. 建立一项针对于碳膜印制板的实验来研究其在微动条件下的电接触行为具有实际意义。

    An experiment for carbon pasteboard is set up to investigate the electric contact behavior during fretting .

  30. 激基激光对铜膜印刷板表面微细蚀刻的初期化过程

    Preliminary process of Micro-etching on the surface of copper thin film of circuit board with excimer laser