
  • 网络Thecal too
  1. 特殊设计的HDPE(PP,ABS)篮式膜具,使溶解温度更低,拥有好的混合效果,低的机头压力,并有好的稳定产量。

    Special design of basket die head of for HDPE ( PP , ABS ) large diameter pipe with thick wall offer lower melting temperature , good mixing , lower pressure of cavity , and stable production .

  2. 方法:1.对膜具的准确性及可靠性研究。

    A study on the reliability of nasal thecal tools .

  3. 叶表皮角质膜具浅波状细条纹、深波状粗条纹或具蠕虫状条纹;

    And that the cuticular membrane of leaf epidermis is with fine striated shallow wave , coarsely striated deep wave or worm-striated .

  4. 其中有10种(隶8属、4科)木材维管间具缘纹孔膜具纹孔塞,其余不具纹孔塞。

    Intervascular pit membranes with torns were found to be present in 10 species from 8 genera belonging to 4 families , but pit membranes were flat in the remainder .

  5. 针对光可变材料碎膜具较强的反射性且透射率近于零的特点,使用既简捷又准确的检测方法评价了碎膜样品的质量;

    Aiming at the characteristic of high reflectance and low transmittance ( nearly zero ) of the broken films of a light changeable material , a simple and precise method was used to measure and evaluate the quality of them .

  6. 红细胞溶血后,其内容物对人红细胞膜AchE具抑制作用。

    After hemolysis of human red blood cell , the hemolysate have inhibition for AchE on membrane of the erythrocyte .

  7. 印刷与上光油搭配,品质及成本均比铜板纸印刷后贴上光膜较具优势。

    To match with varnishes application , both quality and cost are better than the pricessing method which using art paper finished varnish-film .

  8. 第Ⅲ脑室室管膜上皮细胞具明显区域性,脑室底部上皮细胞微绒毛短小、散在,有少量分泌粒,无纤毛;

    The ependymal cells in third ventricle had obvious regionality . Short , scanty microvilli and a few secretory vesicles were found in its bottom , but no cilium was found .

  9. 这3种膜都具有热封性,其热封强度接近HDPE膜,并具较高的阻气、阻油和阻湿性能,可以满足一些食品的包装要求。

    The three films with heatsealing , whose strength was close to that of HDPE film and with high abilities to inhibit the permeance of air and oil and moisture , could meet the demand for some food packing .