
  • 网络blade;Bit
  1. 例如,在敏捷开发中,当前重大事件应该是M5,但是对于M4维护的安装齿片您可能有另一个隔离流程。

    For example , in agile development , the current milestone could be M5 , but you might have a separate stream for maintenance for M4 installation bits .

  2. 齿片的安装角α、β、齿高h、齿距P等结构参数对扭带的清洗力矩、自转转速及运转平稳性都有影响;

    The tooth 's fixed angle α and β, the height of the tooth pitch h and the distance of the tooth pitch P have influence on the cleaning moment , rotating velocity and rotating stability of the twisted tapes ;

  3. 齿片弯圆工艺及模具设计

    Application of tooth slice roundness - bending technique in die

  4. 同一属间种类的齿片形态较为相似。

    The cusps in the same generas were similar with each other .

  5. 不同科的种类齿片上缘或侧缘的数目和形态有较大差异。

    There are many obvious differences in number and shape of lateral teeth and marginal teeth of different families .

  6. 测量原理是在每个切削齿复合片圆周边缘上找3个点,测出其坐标值。

    The measuring principle is : selectal three points on the circumferential edge of each compact and measuring thed coordinate values .

  7. 通过线性规划、齿形片、模态搜索及一维搜索片的联合应用,提出了索穹顶结构的预应力、截面、矢高、圈数同时优化设计的方法,优化效果明显。

    The optimization design method is presented considering the parameters of prestress , section , vector height and loops for cable dome structures .

  8. 可测量的位置参数有切削齿复合片的圆心坐标及负前角、侧偏角等。

    Measurable parameters include the coordinates of the circle center of the cutter teeth compact and the compact 's back rake angle and side sway angle .

  9. 根据导梭齿与片梭间的工作原理,成功地设计出了导梭齿检验量规。本文介绍了检验量规的设计方法。

    This paper describes the design method of inspection gauge for the guide tooth based on the operating principles of guide tooth and the projectile weaving machine .

  10. 考古发现仰韶文化刻齿骨片当是上古契刻记事的遗留之一,但刻齿的含义也不得而知。

    Carved bones in jagged shape of Yangshao civilization are found to be relics of carving symbol for record in ancient times though the meaning of the carving is not clear .

  11. 齿形螺旋片元件强化直管对流传热研究

    Study on Intensified Convection Heat Transfer in Straight Pipe With Tooth Spiral Piece

  12. x光照相时可以放在牙齿上的齿形x光片。

    A dental X-ray film that can be held in place by the teeth during radiography .

  13. 本实用新型涉及切割石材用金刚石圆锯片,尤其是一种带保护齿金刚石圆锯片。

    The utility model relates to a diamond circular saw blade for cutting stone materials , in particular to a diamond circular saw blade with protection teeth .

  14. 介绍了某大型电机细长齿定子扇形片复合模结构的设计及零部件设计加工难点和解决办法。

    Introduced design method of compound die for the thin-long teeth fan-shaped slice of a large motor stator , pointed out processing difficulties , and proposed solution .

  15. 齿型螺旋肋片管表面局部放热系数

    Local heat transfer coefficient of a helically segmented finned tube surface

  16. 利用Pro/E软件的相关功能,生成渐开线直齿圆锥齿轮的齿廓曲线,并使用变截面扫掠的方式获得齿廓曲面片体。

    By using the related method of Pro / E , the profile of involute straight-teeth bevel gear are generated , the profile surfaces is formed by " Var Sec Sweep " .