
  • 网络gear reducer
  1. 齿轮减速机CAD中的组合网格自动生成法

    Automatic Grid Generation of CAD for Gear Reducer Housing

  2. 球磨机大型齿轮减速机的跑合试验研究

    Study of Run in About Large Gear Reducer of Cement ball Mill

  3. ZY齿轮减速机重点零件工艺分析

    Analysis of key pieces process of ZY reduction gear

  4. 圆柱齿轮减速机的概率可靠性优化设计

    Optimal Design of Probability & Responsibility for Helical Cylinder Gear Reducers

  5. 日本渐开线行星齿轮减速机的测绘与剖析

    Measurement & Analyses of Involute Planet Gear Decelerator Made by Japan

  6. 中心传动磨机用齿轮减速机振动特性研究

    Vibration Characteristics of Gear Speed Transmission Used for Central Drived Mill System

  7. 齿轮减速机齿间侧隙测试

    Testing of gear backlash of gear reduction unit

  8. 塔式起重机行星齿轮减速机的设计研究

    The Research and Design of Epicyclic Reduction Gear Unit in Application to Tower Carane

  9. 基于改进型遗传算法对圆柱齿轮减速机的计算机辅助设计

    Computer aided mechanical design for cylinder gear reducer based on the improved genetic algorithm

  10. 介绍了齿轮减速机齿间侧隙测试的一种实用新方法。

    This paper introduces a new and practical method of testing the backlash ofgear reduction unit .

  11. 人字齿轮减速机的安装特性

    Assembling Characteristics of Herringbone Gear Reducer

  12. 摆线式行星齿轮减速机

    Cycloidal planetary gear speed reducer

  13. 混合器传动由一个坚固的非专利设计的平行螺旋齿轮减速机组成,最小的机械过负荷因子为1.5。

    The agitator drive is comprised of a robust non-proprietary reducer which utilizes parallel helical gearing and has a minimum mechanical service factor of1.5 .

  14. 圆柱型齿轮减速机低速轴分别带动上下曲轴,所以上下剪切是同步进行的。

    Drive shafts from top to bottom are operated by low-speed shafts of cylinder gear reducer , therefore cut from top to bottom is synchronized .

  15. 由于采用行星传动结构,所以该机构的设计和制造可以充分利用我国行星齿轮减速机生产行业的成熟技术,加工设备。

    The design and manufacture of this mechanism can take full advantage of the mature technology and process equipment of our country in the field of planetary gear reducer .

  16. 通过对实测的齿轮减速机滚动轴承故障信号数据进行验证。结果表明,本文设计的基于模糊与虚拟仪器的滚动轴承故障诊断系统具有可靠、实用等特点。

    The result got from the analysis to the real gear reducer rolling bearing fault signal shows that the rolling bearing fault diagnosis system based on fuzzy and virtual instrument of this paper is reliable and practical .

  17. 前言:科学合理使用添加剂,从而降低摩擦,减少磨损;解决齿轮箱、减速机等漏油问题。

    The lubricant additives can be used for the following purposes : reducing friction and increasing wear-resistance , avoiding oil leakage from gear box and reducer .

  18. 阐述了冶金设备齿轮减速器润滑问题的重要性,分析了齿轮润滑的主要状态和润滑对齿轮传动的影响,简述了冶金设备齿轮减速机的工作特点及对润滑油性能的要求和选用。

    The selection and importance of lubrication of gear decelerator in metallurgical equipment are discussed . Main states of gear lubrication and influence of lubrication for the gear are analysed .