
  • 网络gear coupling;toothed coupling;GIICL
  1. 齿式联轴器失效原因分析

    Analysis for the failure of the gear coupling

  2. 齿式联轴器是由齿数相同的内齿圈和带外齿的凸缘半联轴器等零件组成。

    Gear coupling is the same number of teeth and the inner ring gear teeth of the flange half-band coupling and other parts .

  3. 基于虚拟样机的齿式联轴器不对中故障仿真

    Simulation of Misalignment Fault in Gear Coupling Based on Virtual Prototype

  4. 带胀套的鼓形齿式联轴器的设计和应用

    Design and Application of the Drum-type Gear Coupling with Expanding Bush

  5. 提出了改齿式联轴器为膜式联轴器的补救措施。

    The remedies of changing toothed coupling into diaphragm coupling are put forward .

  6. 齿式联轴器不对中啮合力模型及其对转子系统动力学特性影响

    Meshing force model of misaligned gear coupling and its influence on a rotor system

  7. 切割机齿式联轴器改造

    Modification of tooth coupling of the torch-cutting machine

  8. 由于鼓形齿式联轴器角向补偿大于直齿式联轴器。

    Drum gear coupling due to the compensation angle is greater than straight-tooth coupling .

  9. 三段弧鼓形齿式联轴器的研究和设计

    Design of Three - stage Curved Tooth Coupling

  10. 鼓形齿式联轴器可靠性优化设计

    Reliability optimization design of crowned teeth coupling

  11. 大转矩三段弧鼓形齿式联轴器

    Huge Torque Drum Coupling with three radians

  12. 介绍鼓形齿式联轴器的标准结构、选用计算和几何尺寸的计算。

    The article describes standard construction , dimension calculation & selection , and geometrical dimension calculation .

  13. 齿式联轴器和橡胶隔振器动态耦合效应导致的故障耦合使系统的振动变得复杂,稳定性降低。

    Malfunctions coupling leads by dynamic coupling effect of gear coupling and rubber isolator which causes complex system vibration , reduces the stability of the whole system .

  14. 提供了齿式联轴器不对中故障识别以及与相同频率特征故障区分的理论依据。

    The theoretic gists that we identify the misalignment fault of the gear coupling and distinguish the faults with the same frequency properties are provided in the paper .

  15. 对齿式联轴器轮毂失效的原因进行分析,并对联轴器推进量进行了理论计算。美国西进运动的几个直接趋动因素

    This paper analyses the failure of the gear coupling wheel hub , and calculates the impelling quantity of the gear coupling in theory Impelling Motives in the Westward Movement

  16. 齿式联轴器是联轴器中最为常见的一种,由于它有传递扭矩大、制造加工相对简单,具有较好的补偿能力等优点,被广泛地运用于现代大型转子系统中。

    Gear coupling is one of the most common couplings . Because of advantages such as high moment of torque transfer , easy making relatively , ability of compensation , it is used widely in modern rotor system .