
chóng tiáo
  • reset;readjustment;readjusting;retune
重调[chóng tiáo]
  1. 没有显示,请重调一下你的应答机。

    You 're not displaying , reset your transponder please .

  2. 机器被重调时,预调的数据将被抹去。录像机已预调好以便录下比赛情况。

    " When the unit is reset , preset data is erased . " The video was pre-set to record the match .

  3. 蓝斑H2受体参与应激对大鼠颈动脉窦反射的重调定

    H_2 Receptors in the Locus Ceruleus Involved in Carotid Sinus Reflex Resetting in Stressed Rats

  4. 结论外周α受体参与慢性应激对CSR的重调定。

    Conclusion Peripheral α receptors were involved in the resetting of CSR in the chronically stressed rats .

  5. 结论外周α1、α2受体参与应激性高血压对CSR的抑制性重调定;

    Conclusion Peripheral α 1 and α 2 receptors are involved in the stressful hypertension-induced CSR inhibitory resetting .

  6. 目的探讨外周α受体是否影响中枢外源性组胺(HA)对颈动脉窦反射(CSR)的重调定。

    Objective To explore the effects of peripheral α receptors on carotid sinus reflex ( CSR ) resetting induced by intracerebroventricular injection ( icv ) of histamine ( HA ) .

  7. 结论脑室给HA使CBR产生快速重调定,反射敏感性下降;外周α2受体作用可减弱i。

    Conclusion HA cerebroventricular administration could result in the rapid resetting of CBR , the decrease of reflex sensitivity and the responses of CBR to HA might be diminished by peripheral α 2 receptor activity .

  8. 目的:探讨蓝斑α1和α2受体在脑室注射(ICV)组胺(HA)对颈动脉窦反射(CBR)重调定中的作用。

    Aim : To investigate the effects of α _1 and α _2 receptors in the locus ceruleus ( LC ) on carotid baroreflex ( CBR ) resetting induced by intracerebroventricular injection ( ICV ) of histamine ( HA ) .

  9. 结论:脑室注射HA使CBR产生快速重调定,反射敏感性下降;NTS的α1、α2受体作用可减弱ICVHA对CBR的抑制性重调定;

    Conclusion : The intracerebroventricular administration of HA results in a rapid resetting of CBR and a decrease in reflex sensitivity , and the functions of α 1 and α 2 receptors in the NTS might weaken CBR resetting induced by ICV HA .

  10. 刺激躯体神经对兔压力感受性反射的重调定

    Resetting of baroreceptor reflex by somatic nerve stimulation in the rabbit

  11. 可以看到控件尺寸被重调以填充窗格。

    Observe that the control is resized to fill the pane .

  12. 中枢活性氧升高介导心力衰竭时压力感受性反射功能衰减压力感受器反射重调定

    Increased central reactive oxygen species mediate the attenuated baroreflex function in heart failure

  13. 中国重调货币政策以促进经济增长;

    China is retuning monetary policy to boost growth ;

  14. 电针对清醒家兔压力感受性反射的重调定

    Resetting of baroreceptor reflex by electroacupuncture in conscious rabbits

  15. 三相感应式电压自动调整器压力感受器反射重调定

    Three-phase induction type automatic voltage regulator baroreflex resetting

  16. 家兔主动脉神经低阈压力感受反射快速重调中枢过程的特征

    Characteristics of central acute resetting of low threshold baroreflex in rabbit 's aortic nerve

  17. 压力感受反射快速重调定感受器成分与中枢成分的比较

    Comparison between the Central Component of Rapid Resetting of Baroreflex and Its Receptor Component

  18. 肝脾肾同协调而重调脾。用药:(1)功效相互渗透。

    Coordinate liver , spleen and kidney , and pay attention to coordinate spleen .

  19. 中枢血管紧张素Ⅱ在慢性应激大鼠颈动脉窦反射重调中的作用

    Role of Central Angiotensin II in Carotid Sinus Baroreflex Resetting in Chronically Stressed Rat

  20. 中国倾斜台网水平摆工作位置的普查及重调

    Detecting and readjusting for operational position of horizontal pendulum at tilt observational stations of China

  21. 脾胃病,重调气血。

    Stomach illness , re-adjusting blood .

  22. 量程表示无需重调或重装应变计就能记录到的最大应变。

    Range represents the maximum strain which can be recorded without resetting or replacing the strain gage .

  23. 血管紧张素Ⅱ致压力反射重调定对大鼠血压、心率及心率变异性的影响

    Effects of Angiotensin ⅱ Causing Baroreflex Resetting on Blood Pressure 、 Heart Rate and HRV in Rats

  24. 中枢α受体在脑室注射组胺对颈动脉窦反射重调定中的作用

    Role of the central α - adrenoceptors in the intracerebroventricular histamine-induced carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex resetting in rats

  25. 机车重心位置的限制,也是保证机车轮轴重调簧均匀的前提。

    The limit of gravity center position is to assure the uniformity of spring adjustment of shaft weight .

  26. 注:如果您改变螺旋桨尺寸,引擎高低速油针将必须重调。

    Note : If you change propeller diameter and / or pitch , the engine will have to re-adjusted .

  27. 激动中枢组胺能受体对应激大鼠颈动脉窦压力感受性反射重调定的影响

    The Study on the Pressure Effects of central histaminergic receptor activation on carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex resetting in stressed rats

  28. 但是惯性导航系统的定位误差随时间累积,因此必须予以校正或重调。

    However , the positioning error of inertial navigation system accumulates over time , it must be corrected or re-tune .

  29. 为保证算法收敛速度不过快下降,进一步提出协方差阵可重调的改进算法。

    To ensure convergence rate , but quickly dropped , an improved algorithm is further proposed by re-adjusting covariance matrix .

  30. 当色散渐减光纤的斜率足够小时,无啁啾基阶孤子可以近似为平稳重调脉冲,当色散渐减光纤的色散斜率较大时,无啁啾基阶孤子与平稳重调脉冲相差较大。

    When the dispersion slope of the fiber is small enough , the fundamental soliton without chirp can be approximated as SRP .