
  • 网络The Matrix Reloaded;reloaded
  1. 影院充斥着类似《终结者3:机器的反叛》和《黑客帝国重装上阵》这样的影片,然而总体来说票房收入却在下跌。

    Theaters are saturated with the likes of Terminator III : Rise of The Machines and the Matrix Reloaded , yet overall box office revenues are down .

  2. 多年前,我曾是黑客帝国重装上阵的动画指导。

    Several years ago , I was the Lead Animator of Matrix Reloaded .

  3. 这次换人尝试让蓝军重装上阵。

    It was an attempt to spark the performance into life .

  4. 我们必须在圣诞节后重装上阵。

    We 'll assess it again after Christmas and see what position we 're in then .

  5. 要是勇士队再次横扫西部,在总决赛中又一次碾压了重装上阵的骑士队怎么办?

    What if they sweep through the West again , and roll over a retooled Cavaliers team in the Finals once more ?

  6. 但让年代久远的品牌重装上阵可能更有利可图,特别是在婴儿潮一代对它们青睐有加的情况下。

    But giving a vintage brand a second act can be a more profitable exercise especially if it appeals to the baby boomers .