
  • 网络The Ellen DeGeneres Show;The Ellen Show
  1. 典型案例:贾斯汀上《艾伦秀》时,嘉宾主持DemiLovato采访他,他对节目上的粉丝说他和海莉是“包办”婚姻。

    Case in point : When Justin hopped on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and did an interview with guest host Demi Lovato , he told fans on the show that his marriage to Hailey was " arranged . "

  2. 我并不如此认为听我说哥们-怎么了你上了艾伦秀谢谢你老兄

    I don 't think so.Can I say something ? - Yeah . You 're on the Ellen Degeneres show right now.Thanks , buddy .

  3. 《Variety》杂志报道称,德詹尼丝周四给《艾伦秀》工作人员发送了一封电子邮件。

    DeGeneres sent an email to staffers at " The Ellen DeGeneres Show " on Thursday , which was first reported by Variety .

  4. 我刚好今天带了一个JenniferLopez跟MarcAnthony仅在下期艾伦秀

    I just brought one in today.Jennifer Lopez together with Marc Anthony only on the next Ellen .

  5. “我没有男朋友,”21岁的Swift周三上“艾伦秀”的时候说。

    " I don 't have a boyfriend ," Swift , 21 , says in an interview airing Wednesday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show .

  6. 51岁的英国演员休·格兰特近日参加了《艾伦秀》(TheEllenDeGeneresShow)的录制。

    Hugh Grant makes an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in an episode airing Friday ( April 27 ) . The 51-year-old actor chatted about fatherhood and his daughter , Tabitha .

  7. 我已经上过七八次《今夜秀》(TheTonightShow)或《艾伦秀》(EllenShow),能与媒体保持良好关系确实是好事,这种关系为我节省了大量成本。

    When I go onThe Tonight Show or Ellen or some other show , I have already been on there seven or eight times so it is nice to be able to have that relationship with media and I do have that connections so it has saved on costs .

  8. 这是你第一次上艾伦秀

    And this is your first time on the show ?

  9. 一个宇宙节目组的独家惊喜艾伦秀现在开始

    A personal surprise for this miraculous team , Ellen starts now .

  10. 使她受到艾伦秀的邀请来自马塞诸塞州的波士顿

    Got her an invitation to my show from Boston , Massachusetts .

  11. 然后看看是什么让这屋的人变成这样现在是艾伦秀

    And , see what makes this room go.Right now on Ellen .

  12. 非常感谢你邀请我上艾伦秀-不客气

    And thank you so much for having me . - You are welcome .

  13. 真的马特前段时间上过“艾伦秀”

    I really was . Well , Matt you recently take that appearance on the Show .

  14. 《艾伦秀》的买家搜狐公司已经购买了50多部美国电视节目。

    Sohu , the Ellen buyer , has purchased the rights to more than 50 U.S. shows .

  15. 他们为艾伦秀赞助了有史以来最大的奖品现场一半的观众都有机会获得

    they give us a big surprise was ever given away on our show for half the audience .

  16. 她的演出如此地受欢迎以致于艾伦秀节目再次邀请她5次之多。

    Her performance was such a hit that Ellen invited her back to the show five more times .

  17. 现在仍是新一季艾伦秀的首周和我计划的完全一致

    We are still in our first week of our new season and it 's exactly as I planned it

  18. 如果你找到他了跟他合个影你就有机会来艾伦秀现场

    If you find him , take a picture with him and you could win a trip to the show .

  19. 开始艾伦秀半场篮球赛吧一半的观众有机会获得大奖奖品由汰渍赞助

    It 's time to play Ellen 's halftime show spectacular featuring the biggest half audience giveaway ever sponsored by Tide .

  20. 并且几星期前在参加艾伦秀节目的时候,库柯滔滔不绝地谈论着和未婚夫在一起有多么幸福。

    Also , while on Ellen a few weeks back , Cuoco gushed about how happy she was with her soon-to-be husband .

  21. 在周一播出的《艾伦秀》上,她说:他是我最好的朋友。

    He 's my best friend in the world , the actress says on an episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show airing Monday .

  22. 艾美奖获得者、《逍遥法外》的女演员维奥拉•戴维斯在艾伦秀上分享了她光滑皮肤的秘密。

    Award-winning actress and How to Get Away With Murder star Viola Davis shared her secret to smooth skin on The Ellen DeGeneres show .

  23. 你好谢玛每次上艾伦秀你生活都有新变化这是你第九次上艾伦秀了吧

    Hello , Shemar.Something new has happened in your life everytime you 've . I think this is your ninth appearance . Is it ?

  24. 比伯的女友、迪士尼明星赛琳娜-戈麦斯在当日的谈话类电视节目“艾伦秀”上提到了男友的“私生子门”事件。

    Meanwhile Disney star Selena Gomez addressed today the recent paternity suit against her boyfriend Justin Bieber at US chat programme , The Ellen DeGeneres Show .

  25. 在周四参加《艾伦秀》的录制时,珍妮弗安妮斯顿就亲口否认了她将晋升为妈妈的传言。

    During a taping for Thursday 's The Ellen DeGeneres Show , the actress Jennifer Aniston shot down rumors that she 's going to become a mother .

  26. 而她在6岁时被邀请到“艾伦秀”节目弹钢琴,显示出她在古典、爵士及原创音乐上的造诣。

    At age six , she was invited to play piano on the " Ellen DeGeneres Show , " displaying her range with classical , jazz and original music .

  27. 梅根在星期一艾伦秀上展示了她两个月大的小儿子的照片还有19个月的大儿子诺亚的照片。

    Appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Monday , Megan showed off a picture of the two-month-old and also snaps of her older son Noah , who is 19 months .

  28. 小瑞安在美国阵亡将士纪念日这天做客脱口秀节目艾伦秀,这个年轻的音乐家在采访期间的表现融化了我们的内心,并且弹奏了一首《俄罗斯主题变奏曲》震撼了我们。

    In his Memorial Day appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show , the young musician melted our hearts during the interview and then wowed us with his rendition of Variations On A Russian Theme .

  29. 周三,科技巨富比尔·盖茨首次亮相《艾伦秀》,参与了游戏“比尔的货物账单”。比尔·盖茨需要在游戏中猜测家用物品价格。

    The tech billionaire made his first appearance on Ellen Degeneres 's talk show on Wednesday to play little game called " Bill 's Grocery Bills , " where Gates had to try to guess the prices of some common household items .

  30. 这位33岁的女演员在《艾伦秀》上说,她的女儿艾迪不被允许观看1950年发行的《灰姑娘》,“因为她[灰姑娘]只知道等待一个有钱的男人来救她”。

    Speaking on The Ellen Show , the 33-year-old actress said her daughter Edie was not allowed to watch Cinderella , which was released in 1950 , " because she [ Cinderella ] waits around for a rich guy to rescue her . "