
  • 网络Back to School
  1. 他们结束休假重返学校。

    They came back to school again .

  2. 中国的“春雷计划”帮助了300多万女童重返学校。

    In China , Spring Bud Education Program has helped over 3 million girls go back to school .

  3. 越来越多的人重返学校接受全日制教育。

    A growing number of people are returning to full-time education .

  4. 现在是学生重返学校的季节,但是全美零售商联合会(nationalretailfederation)称,与学校相关的商品销量相比去年有所下降。

    This is back-to-school season . But the National Retail Federation says school-related sales are down from last year .

  5. 该项目还将为该国辍学的弱势青年重返学校提供途径,Vermehren表示。

    It also offers disadvantaged youth who have dropped out of school a way back into the system , Vermehren says .

  6. 许多州都在8月设立免税日,这样父母在购买重返学校的衣物和日用品方面可以省钱。

    Many states have them in August so parents can save on back-to-school clothing and supplies .

  7. 她也许是通过一个水晶球算出我会在秋季重返学校的

    Maybe she 's got something in a crystal ball about me getting back to college in the fall .

  8. 野外训练工作干了三年半后,我准备重返学校。

    After three and a half years with Outward Bound , I was ready to go hack to school .

  9. 重返学校,我收获良多,远远超过一张学位证书。

    My experience of going back to school ended up being far more valuable than just acquiring a diploma .

  10. 摩梭教育基金的使命是帮助贫穷孩子重返学校,改善当地的教学条件。

    The mission of MEF is helping poor children to return to school and improve the local condition of teaching .

  11. 利用免费的教育决策测试来看看你是否适合重返学校深造。

    Use the free education-decision test to find out if going back to school is the right move for you .

  12. 不管是出于需要,还是出于兴趣爱好,人们重返学校是为了一个共同的目标,就是提高自己。

    Out of necessity or out of interest , people go back to school for the common goal to improve themselves .

  13. 中国已建立一项基金,以帮助失学儿童重返学校。

    A fund has been set up in China to help those children who can not afford to go to school .

  14. 在学员结束课程后的两个月,该学院还会再给他们发电子邮件,鼓励他们带着问题重返学校。

    Two months after they complete the programme they are e-mailed again and encouraged to come back to the school with questions .

  15. 如果你等到生了孩子后再重返学校,这个机会你将永远也得不到了。

    Chances are if you wait until after you have kids to go back to school , you 'll never do it .

  16. 父亲曾这样回忆道:“在我重返学校之前,不得不卧床一年多。”

    My Dad wrote , " Then I had to stay in bed for over a year , before I started back to school . "

  17. 几个星期后他本打算重返学校,可校长却强烈建议他继续自己的梦想。

    He tried to go back to school a couple weeks later but the principal of his school pushed him to continue his pursuit of his dream .

  18. 他说自己想要重返学校接受成为法律助理的培训,他还说,他有“写作的热情”

    He said he wanted to return to school to train to be a legal assistant , andadded that he had a " passion for writing . "

  19. 使用这种药物几个月之后,一些病人能够完全从这种疾病的折磨中解脱出来,重返学校和工作岗位。

    Some patients go from being completely disabled by their disease to being able to go to school and work after just a few months on this medication .

  20. 一些教育专家表示,儿童感染病毒的风险仍然较低,并强调儿童重返学校的必要性,尤其是贫困学生,他们上网课面临更多挑战。

    Some education experts say the virus risk to children remain low and stress the need for children to return to school particularly poorer students who face more challenges due to classes online .

  21. 但是这位精力充沛的老年女士的活动还远远没有结束。最近,唐宁收到了全额奖学金的的邀请,在80年后重返学校,毕业后将获得商科学位。

    But the energetic old lady is far from done yet . Recently , Dunning learned she had been given a full scholarship to return to school , nearly 80 years later , to finally earn her business degree .

  22. 如果有人考虑重返学校,即使是短期的,对于他们很难,但我将鼓励他们去做。

    And , so , you know , if somebody thinking about going back to school , even though , in the short run , that 's & that 's hard for them , I would encourage them to do it .

  23. “教育维持金”每周向那些达到法定离校年龄后,还继续留在学校或重返学校继续受教育的学生支付一定的补助,补助金额为10英镑、20英镑和30英镑不等。

    The EMA is a weekly payment of £ 10 ,£ 20 or £ 30 , paid directly to eligible young people who stay on in , or return to , further education after they reach the statutory school leaving age .

  24. 这也正是《平价医保法》所做的事情,弥补雇主提供的保障留下的空缺,这样即便你失业了,或重返学校进修了,或者开办了新的公司,依然可以享受医疗保险。

    It 's what the Affordable Care Act is all about-filling in the gaps in employer-based care so that when somebody loses a job , or goes back to school , or starts that new business , they still have health care .

  25. 该举措得到社会的普遍认同,爱国主义教育得以重返俄罗斯中小学校,这与深刻影响俄罗斯民族性格的“村社意识”有着直接关系。

    The return of patriotism education to primary and secondary schools was direct related with village community consciousness which deeply rooted in Russian nationality .