
  • 网络This is enough;That's Adequate
  1. 我们已经涉及到了基础工作,这已足够开始创建一个新Provider了。

    We have covered the basic groundwork , and this is enough to start writing a new provider .

  2. 这已足够让你重新考虑一下,用酒来助眠是不是一个好的选择。

    Its enough to make you reconsider using alcohol as a sleep aid .

  3. 对某些人而言,这确已足够。

    For some people , that 's truly enough .

  4. 再说,有痛苦,有忧愁,一方面有点面包,一方面有些烦恼,这一切已足够养活我了。

    Well , sufferings , uneasiness , a little bread on one hand , trouble on the other , & all this will support me .

  5. 当雌性草原田鼠交配时,在大脑奖赏系统中枢,多巴胺水平会有50%的上升,而这已完全足够让这些女士们产生上面提到的那种快感。

    Sure enough , when a female prairie vole mates , there is a 50 % increase in the level of dopamine in the reward centre of her brain .

  6. 点烟只需一刹那间,但这时间已足够使她感觉到他手的温暖的手背上细小的汗毛。

    It took only an instant for her to light the cigarette , but that was long enough to feel the warmth of his hand and the tiny hairs along the back of it .

  7. 我有个朋友的祖母经常告诉她“世界上没有什么严重麻烦,不能靠洗个热水澡、喝杯威士忌、读祈祷书而痊愈。”对某些人而言,这确已足够。

    I have a friend whose grandmother used to tell her , " There 's no trouble in this world so serious that it can 't be cured with a hot bath , a glass of whiskey and the Book of Common Prayer . " For some people , that 's truly enough .

  8. 伊丽莎白·戈德林(美国麻省理工学院高级视觉研究中心的资深研究员):好的,我看到它了。我左眼能看到东西,这很重要,因为这就已足够让我进行发明创造。

    ELIZABETH GOLDRING ( MIT , ADVANCED VISUAL STUDIES CTR . ) : Ok , I see it , I see enough to invent with my left eye and that is very important .

  9. 当然,这地区不如从前纽约住家的附近,具有恣意扩展的气派,可眺望林肯隧道,但是……这已足够。

    Of course , this district doesn 't quite have the sprawling grandeur of my old New York City neighborhood , which overlooked the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel , but still ... It will do . Eat , Pray , Love