
  • This is my father
  1. 噢,这是我父亲,他是一名医生。

    Oh , this is my father . he 's a doctor .

  2. 这是我父亲的护照,我是偕行人。

    This is my father 's passport and I 'm the accompanying one .

  3. 这是我父亲写给我的唯一一封信。

    This is the only letter my father ever wrote to me .

  4. 这是我父亲的最后一瓶上好白葡萄酒。

    It 's the very last of my father 's fine Madeira .

  5. 这是我父亲曾经住过的那间房子。

    This is the house where my father once lived .

  6. 这是我父亲,你的戴尔叔叔。

    And here 's my dad , your uncle dale .

  7. 不管怎样,这是我父亲告诉我的。

    Anyway , that 's what my father toid us .

  8. 这是我父亲写回家的最后一封信。

    This is the last letter my father wrote home .

  9. 这是我父亲给他全家上的唯一一课。

    This was the single lesson my father gave to his family .

  10. 洛卡介绍一下这是我父亲

    Luka . I 'd like to introduce you to my dad .

  11. 这是我父亲其中一本日记

    It 's one of my father 's journals ,

  12. 这是我父亲的存酒。

    It was laid down by my father .

  13. 这是我父亲的外号,后来就传给我了。

    It was my father 's nickname and then it was passed on to me .

  14. 这是我父亲的夹克衫。

    This is my father 's jacket .

  15. 这是我父亲摩拉卡

    This is my father , Melaka .

  16. 这是我父亲大姜高。

    This is my father django .

  17. 这是我父亲,她指着自己耳环上的钻石说。

    This is my father , she said , pointing at the stone in her earring .

  18. 这是我父亲。

    This is my father .

  19. 舒尔茨曾经对他的读者说,“他最大的成功便是“建立了这样的一家公司,这是我父亲一直向往,却不曾拥有的。”

    Schultz once told his audience that his greatest success was that the " got to build the kind of company that my father never got to work for . "

  20. 不,这是关于我父亲的私人问题。

    No , it 's a personal matter regarding my father .

  21. 这是我的父亲。他又高又壮。

    This is my father . He 's tall and strong .

  22. 这是我的父亲,他的名字叫贺瑞斯。

    This is my father , and his name is Horace .

  23. 玲玲:李老师,这是我的父亲。

    Lingling : Miss Li , This is my father .

  24. 这是我的父亲,罗伯特斯伯瑞兹,还有我的女儿。

    This is my father , Robert spritzel , and my daughter .

  25. 这是我的父亲。他是一位教师。

    This is my father . He 's a teacher .

  26. 但这像是我父亲的故事呀,劳里先生。

    ' But this is like my father 's story , Mr Lorry .

  27. 高小姐,这是我的父亲。

    Miss Gao , this is my father .

  28. 这是我从父亲那里学到的第二条金融方面的原理:资金投入的多样性能降低风险。

    This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father i.e.diversification reduces risk .

  29. 亲爱的得瑞:我有幸福的家庭,这是我的父亲,我母亲和我。

    Dear Diary : I have happy family , it is my father , my mother and me .

  30. 这是我的黄河父亲在呼唤我。

    My father , the Yellow river , is calling me .