
  • 网络Leonhardt
  1. 羽管键琴家,早期音乐运动之父古斯塔夫.莱昂哈特于1月16日去世,享年83岁。

    Gustav Leonhardt , harpsichordist and father of the early-music movement , died on January 16th , aged 83 .

  2. 莱昂哈特先生的毕生心血都花在让世界了解羽管键琴是多么美好的一种乐器,以及应该怎样弹奏羽管键琴曲目上面。

    Mr Leonhardt 's life-work was to persuade the world how beautiful the harpsichord was , and how the harpsichord repertoire should be played .

  3. 莱昂哈特先生自己的“正统”标准是很严格的,这点很符合他的个性,他在阿姆斯特丹的房子保留了上一次1750年翻修后所有的架子,地砖和地板。

    Mr Leonhardt 's own standards of " authenticity " were severe , as befitted a man whose brick house in Amsterdam had shelves , tiles and floorboards unaltered from its last updating , in 1750 .

  4. 莱昂哈特先生在维也纳和阿姆斯特丹教琴时,他从不同时带超过五个学生(这些学生中很多后来成为了著名的羽管键琴家),他从不将任何演奏方法强加于他们。

    When Mr Leonhardt taught in Vienna and Amsterdam , never taking more than five pupils at a time ( many of them becoming distinguished harpsichordists in turn ) , he never imposed a method on them .