
  • 网络Liza;Elektra
  1. 他把意莱莎给他作生日礼物的金表当掉了。

    He pawned the watch Eliza had given him upon his birthday .

  2. “儿呀,我要告诉你,”意莱莎渐渐严肃起来说。

    I want to tell you , son , said eliza , becoming grave .

  3. 一直到她和莱莎出嫁那天,两人的纷争都没结束。

    The war had not ended until the day she and Lysa had been wed .

  4. “孩子!”意莱莎仍以一副愁眉苦脸,一筹莫展的表情说道。

    " Son ," said Eliza again with her ancient look of trouble and frustration .

  5. 莱莎知道你要来吗?

    Did Lysa know you were coming ?

  6. 在车轮轧轧的节奏声中,他想起了意莱莎为一些久远的事发出的笑声。

    Above the rhythm of the wheels he thought of eliza 's laughter over ancient things .

  7. 我是当然的选择,何况瓦里斯知道我还是你妹妹莱莎的朋友。

    I was the obvious choice . I was ever a friend to your sister Lysa , Varys knows that .

  8. 首先你迟到了其次莱莎你穿得像个舰队周的变装皇后

    For one thing , you were late.For another thing , Liza , you dress like a drag queen during fleet week .

  9. 她也记得和莱莎玩泥巴的种种情景,记得泥团在手中的重量,滑溜的褐泞在指间流动的感觉。

    She remembered making mud pies with Lysa , the weight of them , the mud slick and brown between her fingers .

  10. 莱莎夫人下令要学士留在鹰巢城,以便随时照顾劳勃少主。

    The Lady Lysa has commanded the maester to remain at the Eyrie at all times , to care for Lord Robert , he said .

  11. 等她一走,他让自己的感情发泄出来。意莱莎站起身,大步走出去,面无表情。

    When she was gone , he gave freer play to his feelings . Eliza got up and marched out of the room , with a stolid face .

  12. 布林登正是在婚宴上对他哥哥宣布自己要跟莱莎一起离开奔流城,去为她的新婚丈夫、鹰巢城公爵效命。

    It was at their wedding feast that Brynden told his brother he was leaving Riverrun to serve Lysa and her new husband , the Lord of the Eyrie .

  13. 奈德干涩地说,诸神真是想尽办法阻挠我们。莱莎夫人、柯蒙学士,还有史坦尼斯大人…每一个可能知道真相的人都在千里之外。

    The gods are doing their best to vex us.Lady Lysa , Maester Colemon , Lord Stannis ... everyone who might actually know the truth of what happened to Jon Arryn is a thousand leagues away .

  14. 记得不,是小指头引发了第一季的一系列事件。他劝诱莱莎•艾林给丈夫琼恩下毒,并送信给凯特琳说这是兰尼斯特家的阴谋。

    Remember , Littlefinger set the events of season one into motion when he convinced Lysa Arryn to poison her husband , Jon , and send a raven to Catelyn telling her it was the Lannisters ' plot .

  15. 她的眼神扫过内文,起初看不出所以,随后才猛然醒悟:“莱莎行事谨慎,不肯冒险。我们年幼时发明了一种秘密语言,只有我和她懂。”

    Her eyes moved over the words . At first they made no sense to her . Then she remembered . " Lysa took no chances . When we were girls together , we had a private language , she and I. "

  16. 二十名骑士和士兵走在侏儒和她残败不堪的队伍两侧,他们都是她妹妹莱莎及琼恩·艾林幼子的忠仆,然而提利昂却连一点畏惧的神色也无。

    Two score men flanked the dwarf and the rest of her ragged band , knights and men-at-arms in service to her sister Lysa and Jon Arryn 's young son , and yet Tyrion betrayed no hint of fear . Could I be wrong ? Catelyn wondered , not for the first time .