- 网络Liza;Elektra

He pawned the watch Eliza had given him upon his birthday .
I want to tell you , son , said eliza , becoming grave .
The war had not ended until the day she and Lysa had been wed .
" Son ," said Eliza again with her ancient look of trouble and frustration .
Did Lysa know you were coming ?
Above the rhythm of the wheels he thought of eliza 's laughter over ancient things .
I was the obvious choice . I was ever a friend to your sister Lysa , Varys knows that .
For one thing , you were late.For another thing , Liza , you dress like a drag queen during fleet week .
She remembered making mud pies with Lysa , the weight of them , the mud slick and brown between her fingers .
The Lady Lysa has commanded the maester to remain at the Eyrie at all times , to care for Lord Robert , he said .
When she was gone , he gave freer play to his feelings . Eliza got up and marched out of the room , with a stolid face .
It was at their wedding feast that Brynden told his brother he was leaving Riverrun to serve Lysa and her new husband , the Lord of the Eyrie .
The gods are doing their best to vex us.Lady Lysa , Maester Colemon , Lord Stannis ... everyone who might actually know the truth of what happened to Jon Arryn is a thousand leagues away .
Remember , Littlefinger set the events of season one into motion when he convinced Lysa Arryn to poison her husband , Jon , and send a raven to Catelyn telling her it was the Lannisters ' plot .
Her eyes moved over the words . At first they made no sense to her . Then she remembered . " Lysa took no chances . When we were girls together , we had a private language , she and I. "
Two score men flanked the dwarf and the rest of her ragged band , knights and men-at-arms in service to her sister Lysa and Jon Arryn 's young son , and yet Tyrion betrayed no hint of fear . Could I be wrong ? Catelyn wondered , not for the first time .