
  • 网络RYDER CUP;Ryder
  1. 今年夏天,格拉斯哥将举办2014公益运动会,这场奥林匹克式的赛事只限不列颠及过去英国殖民地的运动员参加。9月,苏格兰高地的格伦伊格尔斯(Gleneagles)度假胜地举办莱德杯高尔夫对抗赛。

    This summer , Glasgow will stage the 2014 Commonwealth Games , Olympic-style competitions for Britain and the former British colonies , and in September Gleneagles resort in the Highlands will host the Ryder Cup golf competition .

  2. 莱德杯高尔夫球比赛将于2006年在爱尔兰举行。

    The Ryder Cup is to take place in Ireland in2006 .

  3. 他不得不放弃保罗-卡西(世界排名第九,并且上三次都打了莱德杯),以及贾斯汀-罗斯(今年夏天两次获得PGA巡回赛纪念日赛以AT&T全国赛的冠军)。

    He had to leave off Paul Casey , who is No.9 in the world and played on the last three teams , and Justin Rose , who won twice on the PGA Tour this summer at the Memorial and the AT & T National .

  4. 贾西亚莱德杯高球赛激发欧队士气

    Ryder Cup golf matches : Garcia inspires the European team

  5. 史翠克和马汉两年前在瓦尔哈拉是第一次打莱德杯。

    Stricker and Mahan played the first time two years ago at Valhalla .

  6. 他也期望获得外卡进入科里-帕维的美国莱德杯队。

    He is also looking to earn a wildcard pick for Corey Pavin 's US Ryder Cup team .

  7. 莱德杯队长山姆托兰斯认为,李韦斯特伍德一定会在不久的将来将为赢得一场大满贯。

    Ryder Cup captain Sam Torrance believes that Lee Westwood will definitely win a major sometime in the near future .

  8. 这些比赛者中的四位–沃森,约翰逊,奥文顿和库查尔–都没打过莱德杯。

    Four of those players – Watson , Johnson , Overton and Kuchar – have never played a Ryder Cup .

  9. 在欧洲莱德杯对宣布外卡人选的同一天,马特-库查尔在巴克莱获得他今年的首次胜利,确保了他在美国莱德杯队的位置。

    On a day when the European Ryder Cup team dominated the news , Matt kuchar validated his spot on the U.

  10. 美国莱德杯队长科里-帕维已经否认曾经说过将确保给老虎伍兹发放外卡。

    United States Ryder Cup captain Corey Pavin has denied saying he would offer a guaranteed wild card place to Tiger Woods .

  11. 然而,伍兹最终只处于莱德杯队积分榜的第12位,同样令人棘手的是伍兹在联邦快递杯排名第108位。

    While he wound up No.12 in the Ryder Cup standings , equally troublesome is that Woods is No.108 in the FedEx Cup standings .

  12. 星期四,在瓦尔德拉马高尔夫球场,西班牙国王卡洛斯二世宣布欧美高尔夫球对抗赛第32届莱德杯赛正式开幕。

    Spanish King Carlos II opened the32nd Ryder Cup golf tournament between Europe and America in a colourful ceremony at Valderrama course on thursday .

  13. 老虎伍兹表示他愿意接受被美国莱德杯队长科里-帕维选入莱德杯队,但是他会尽全力争取自动进入。

    Tiger Woods said he would accept being picked for the Ryder Cup by United States captain Corey Pavin but has targeted qualifying outright .

  14. 在伯明翰莱德杯欧洲队被英国广播公司年度体育大奖授予年度最佳体育团队称号。

    The European Ryder Cup team have been named Team of the Year at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards in Birmingham .

  15. 伍兹,34岁,需要进入前八名才能自动成为莱德杯对参赛球员,但是现在他排名第十。

    Woods , 34 , needs to be in the top eight US golfers to earn an automatic place in the team but is currently10th .

  16. 泰格伍茨目前正受脚踝伤痛的折磨,不过他保证将积极疗伤,为下个月在西班牙举行的莱德杯赛作准备。

    Tiger Woods was suffering from an ankle injury , but promised to rest and be ready for the Ryder Cup Challenge next month in spain .

  17. 尽管每隔一年举行一次,莱德杯赛已经成为高尔夫球第5大赛事。它通常被称为高尔夫的奥林匹克赛。

    Despite being played every other year , the Ryder Cup competition has become golf 's fifth major , often referred to as the Golf Olympics .

  18. 莱德杯队长科林蒙哥马利说:“这是我荣幸地挑选了12高尔夫界的伟大人物。”

    Ryder Cup captain Colin Montgomerie said : " It 's an honour for me to pick this up for12 great , great men of golf . "

  19. 1985年莱德杯欧洲队一举打破了美国队28年来一统天下的局面,那时,巴耶斯特罗斯也在队中。后来,他又亲自率领欧洲队勇夺莱德杯冠军。

    He was in the European Ryder Cup team that in 1985 overturned 28 years of American domination , and later led a team to Ryder victory himself .

  20. 如果他们真有那么好,那么他们不仅能赢得欧洲杯,而且能赢得莱德杯,赛船比赛甚至全国越野障碍赛马!

    Had they been that good , they 'd not only have won the European Cup but the Ryder Cup , the Boat Race and even the Grand National !

  21. 莫哥马利说,莫利纳利,这个星期天在最后三洞抓到小鸟取得胜利的选手,正是“我们这次莱德杯所需要的类型。”

    Montgomerie said Molinari , who birdied the last three holes to win on Sunday , is " the type of player we need to regain this Ryder Cup . "

  22. 有四个欧洲选手期望得到莱德杯队长科林的注意,而哈灵顿和卡西就是其中两位,队长将从他们中选出一个作为三张外卡获得者之一,参加十月份卡尔特庄园的比赛。

    The duo are among four European golfers hoping to nudge Ryder Cup skipper Colin Montgomerie into picking them as one of his three captain 's picks for Celtic Manor in October .

  23. 伍兹星期一的时候仍然是世界第一,尽管这没有让他接近两大赛事名单–莱德杯和联邦快递杯–这些天来,那意味着更多事情。

    Tiger Woods remained No.1 in the world ranking Monday , though not even close to that on two lists – the Ryder Cup and FedEx Cup – that mean much more these days .

  24. 凯梅尔和麦克道尔在2010年双双夺得大满贯赛并成为莱德杯欧洲队的主角,而当他们两人年度最佳球员的投票结果相吻合时,高尔夫媒体的版面也被均匀分割。

    Kaymer and McDowell both won majors in2010 and starred on the European Ryder Cup team , but a panel of golf media were evenly split when the votes for Player of the Year were tallied .

  25. “对我来说那是非常令人感动的时刻,因为这意味着我将和我的兄弟一起打莱德杯并且那几乎是梦幻般的,”埃多奥多-莫利纳利说道。

    " It was quite an emotional moment for me because this means I will be playing with my brother in the Ryder Cup and that ( is ) something that is almost unreal ," Eduardo Molinari said .

  26. 虽然欧洲巡回赛让他声名大增,80年代那几年他还是和大赛官员大吵不断。结果,1981年莱德杯欧洲队他被排除在外。而那时候,不管是在欧洲还是全世界,他都堪称第一。

    Though the European Tour owed so much to him , he fell out badly with its officials in the 1980s - even being left out of the 1981 Ryder Cup team , when he was ranked number one in both Europe and the world .