
  1. BMW杯国际高尔夫赛包括分区资格赛、中国区决赛和世界总决赛三个阶段。

    The BMW Golf Cup International includes three stages : regional qualifying , China final , and world final .

  2. 自1997年国际高尔夫旅游经理人协会(IAGTO)成立以来,彼得沃尔顿先生就一直担当协会的首席行政官。

    Peter Walton has held the position of Chief Executive of the International Association of Golf Tour Operators ( IAGTO Ltd ) since its foundation in1997 .

  3. 四川国际高尔夫球场草坪杂草及其化学防除研究

    Turf weeds and their chemical control on Sichuan International Golf Course

  4. 北京鸿华国际高尔夫球场夏季主要病害防治

    The Control of Main Summer Diseases in Beijing Honghua International Golf Course

  5. 对四川成都国际高尔夫俱乐部球场草坪草病害进行了初步调查研究。

    Preliminary study on identification and control of turfgrass diseases in Chengdu International Golf Coursewas carried out .

  6. 所以,虽然国际高尔夫已经起飞,但是美国高尔夫依然保持非常好的状态。

    So although international golf has really taken off , American golf is still in very good shape .

  7. 三亚国际高尔夫球场

    Sanya International Golf Course

  8. 近日,青岛国际高尔夫公司被青岛市旅游局授予2006年度青岛市诚信高尔夫俱乐部称号。

    Qingdao international golf company has been awarded the title of " Good Faith Golf Club of Qingdao " by Qingdao Tourism Bureau .

  9. 感谢苏州太湖国际高尔夫俱乐部对中国女子高尔夫运动的支持,也感谢他们对此次激动人心的比赛所做出的努力。

    Please give my thanks to Suzhou Taihu International Golf Club for their support of women 's golf in China , and internationally , through this exciting new event .

  10. 在此,览海国际高尔夫社区诚邀有志于在高端国际社区工作的各方人才,加入我们的团队,共同打造上海奢华顶端国际高尔夫社区!

    Lanhai International Golf Community invites all talents who have passion to devote to high-end International Community , welcome to join us forgecostly top international golf community in Shanghai .

  11. 同时,我们也要感谢我们的合作方,香港富通环球赛事公司和苏州太湖国际高尔夫俱乐部有限公司,感谢他们为此次具有开创意义的赛事付出艰辛的汗水。

    We would also like to thank our joint promoters , Richtone Worldwide and Taihu International Golf Club , for their hard work and dedication to this groundbreaking new tournament .

  12. 青岛国际高尔夫球场无论从球场设施、草地状况、景区环境,还是交通可通达等方面,在国内均属上乘,整体水平与韩国相差不多。

    Excellent in stadium facility , grassland status , scenic environment , and traffic convenience , Qindao International Golf tops in China and could even compete with counterparts in South Korea .

  13. 它从16世纪开始普及起来,首场国际性高尔夫球赛就是在1682年举行的,选手均来自英格兰及苏格兰。

    Its popularity spread throughout the16th century , and the first international golf match took place in1682 between players from England and Scotland .

  14. 近年来,由于高尔夫运动的快速发展,吸引了越来越多的国际职业高尔夫比赛进驻中国,带动了中国高尔夫赛事产业的发展。

    In recent years , due to the rapid development of the golf sport , a growing number of international professional golf events has been attracted to station in China , and led the golf industry in China .