
  • 网络National geographic traveler;National Geographic Traveller
  1. 此排行刊登在《国家地理旅行者》的2007年11、12月刊上。

    The rankings were listed in National Geographic Traveler magazine 's November / December issue in2007 .

  2. 《21世纪英文报》在此挑选了来自《国家地理旅行者》杂志所列举的5处秋季旅游最佳景点。

    Here , 21st Century picks five places that are listed by National Geographic Traveler magazine as the best fall trip destinations .

  3. 《国家地理旅行者》杂志把挪威宏伟、未受破坏的美景评为了世界之最。

    Norway 's majestic , unspoilt landscape has earned it the ranking of the world 's top destination by National Geographic Traveler magazine .

  4. 《国家地理旅行者》有530万读者,是世界最有影响的旅行杂志。这种杂志一年发行四期。

    With 5.3 million readers , National Geographic Traveler is the most widely read travel magazine of the world This magazine comes out quarterly .