
tǐ zhònɡ jí bié
  • Weight level;weight category
  1. 可以肯定,他在147磅体重级别里是没有任何天赋缺陷的。

    To be sure , there is no shortage of talent in the147-pount weight class .

  2. 她这个体重级别的柔道运动员没有哪一位可以在体力和技巧方面能与她相比。

    No female judoka of her bodyweight can rival her in terms of strength and skills .

  3. 2000年悉尼奥运会进行的跆拳道比赛男女各分4个体重级别。

    At the Sydney Games of 2000 , taekwondo featured four weight classes for men and women each .

  4. 高校实施按体重分级别评定铅球项目考核成绩的研究

    Study of Collegiate Shot Put Result Evaluation According to Weight Grade

  5. 举重运动员是按体重划分级别的。

    Lifters are divided into body weight categories .

  6. 他们的体重属于哪个级别?

    Of what weight category were they ?