
  • 网络experience design;user experience;design experience
  1. Spark库还包含针对用户体验设计倡议的重大更新。

    The Spark library also includes a significant upgrade for advocates of user experience design .

  2. SaaS和用户体验设计

    SaaS and user experience design

  3. 而userratings的应用将会十分普遍,营销人员将会发现userratings已成为大多数数字化体验设计的基本功能。

    User ratings will become so common that marketers should expect to find them woven into most digital experiences .

  4. 强迫用户体验设计过程使用与其对应开发工作所采取的迭代方式,这会导致冲动式设计(impulsivedesign),丧失与用户测试设计想法的机会。

    Forcing UX design into the same iteration as it 's corresponding development can lead to impulsive design , losing opportunity to test design ideas on user .

  5. 现在已经得出明确的结论,SaaS的成功与用户体验设计紧密相关。

    It should be reasonably clear now that the success of SaaS is closely related to user experience design .

  6. 在本文中,我将介绍多种技巧包括使用Ajax和不使用的技巧演示了用户体验设计中自由改变上下文的方法。

    In this article , I show several techniques both with Ajax and without that demonstrate this context change-free approach to user experience design .

  7. 能有效支持人类决策的用户体验设计是SoE的一个关键方面。

    The design of a user experience that effectively supports human decisions is a crucial aspect of an SoE .

  8. 同时,3G虚拟品牌社区的广告和营销效果是否理想与用户体验设计和社区情感特征直接相关。

    At the same time , the effect of advertising and marketing in the 3G virtual brand community will be affected by user experience and sensibility features .

  9. 第二,熟悉用户体验设计(UX)。

    You also need to have good knowledge of user experience design .

  10. 富图形可以用于最大化所谓的用户体验设计,这使得Flex成为创建高级UI的一个好工具。

    Richer graphics can be used to maximize what is known as user experience design , which makes Flex a lucrative tool for creating advanced UIs .

  11. 目前他对Web2.0开发很感兴趣,尤其是基于Dojo的技术和用户体验设计模式。

    His current area of interest is in Web 2.0 development , with a particular emphasis on Dojo-based technologies and user-experience design patterns .

  12. 简而言之,即使用户体验设计预算费用呈线性增长,而SaaS的成功几率将呈指数级增长(如下图所示)。

    Simply put , the success of SaaS scales exponentially , even with linear increases in user experience design budget spending , as demonstrated below .

  13. 精益UX让设计师跳出交付业务回到体验设计上来。

    Lean UX gets designers out of the deliverables business and back into the experience design business .

  14. 在这个分三部分的系列的最后一篇文章中,讨论SaaS提供的业务模型机会,分析SaaS应用程序的用户体验设计的作用。

    In this final article of a three-part series , discover the business model opportunities that SaaS presents and gain insight into the role of user experience design for SaaS applications .

  15. 这种方式包含一个称为用户体验设计(UXD)的流程,在这个流程中由产品团队而不是开发团队设计GUI。

    This approach includes a process known as user experience design ( UXD ), where the GUI is designed by a product team rather than the development team .

  16. 实际上,在如今的计算中,只有使用RIA技术构建的SaaS才会成功,因为RIA方法以用户体验设计(UXD)的概念为中心。

    In fact , in modern-day computing , SaaS can only be successful if it is built using RIA technology because the RIA methodology centers on the concept of user experience design ( UXD ) .

  17. 一项服务的用户体验设计是怎样的不同?

    How is different from user experience design of a service ?

  18. 第三章归纳了体验设计所应遵循的三个主要原则;

    Chapter 3 summarizes the three main principles of experience design .

  19. 历史街区商业化进程中的体验设计研究

    Theoretical Study on the Experience Design in the Commercialization of Historic District

  20. 对体验设计的进一步讨论不属于本文的介绍范围。

    Further discussion of experience design is beyond this article 's scope .

  21. 体验设计的理念是在传统设计理念继承的基础上,对现代设计理念的探索。

    And it is an exploring for current design based on tradition .

  22. 这些都成为体验设计关注的要点。

    All of the above has become major concerns of experience design .

  23. 基于设计心理学的产品体验设计研究

    The Study of Product Experience Design Based on Design Psychology

  24. 这就是体验设计的主要原因。

    This is the main reason for the design experience .

  25. 体验设计在我国主题饭店设计中的应用研究

    Application Research on the Experiencing Design in the Design of Theme Hotel

  26. 基于体验设计下的儿童沐浴水温提示仪设计研究

    Research on Children Water Thermometer Design Base on Experience Design

  27. 城市体验设计是一个现代城市发展的新思路和新方法。

    City Experience Design is a new thinking and method .

  28. 试论文化体验设计增强旅游产品市场竞争力

    On the Competition Enhancement in Tourist Market Through the Design of Cultural Experience

  29. 它们需要仔细的规划、信息架构和用户体验设计。

    They require careful planning , information architecture , and user experience design .

  30. 现代包装设计新理念体验设计

    The New Conception in Modern Pack Design Experience Design