
tǐ huì
  • experience;understand;realize;learn from experience;savour;know from experience;realize appreciate
体会 [tǐ huì]
  • [understand;realize appreciate] 体验领会

  • 他体会到把外语作为一种工具使用的重要性

  • 必须经历其事才能有所体会

体会[tǐ huì]
  1. 石油用钢丝绳生产之体会

    Know from Experience of Producing Oil-field Wire Rope

  2. 尤其在我们进入社会以后,更能深刻体会这一点。

    Especially , when we have entered society , we would know from experience of this point deeply .

  3. 是她最先使我体会到了帆船运动的乐趣。

    It was she who first introduced the pleasures of sailing to me .

  4. 丧子之痛是难以体会的。

    It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the death of a child .

  5. 你很快就会体会到身体更健康带来的好处。

    You 'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter

  6. 不熟悉的人很难一下子体会到它的魅力。

    Its appeal may not be immediately obvious to the uninitiated .

  7. 亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。

    Asia 's emerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth

  8. 运动将让你体会到一种有所成就的无比喜悦感。

    Exercise will give you a glow of satisfaction at having achieved something

  9. 你开始体会到是什么样的行动在推动这个故事的发展。

    You begin to understand what actions were the mainspring of the story .

  10. 总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。

    In time you 'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language .

  11. 当他站在致哀的人群中时,我深深地体会到了他的忧伤。

    I was deeply aware of his melancholy as he stood among the mourners

  12. 他们的音乐里流露出一种我们都能体会到的天生的高贵。

    Their music speaks to us with an innate grandeur we can all understand .

  13. 做自由职业者让她体会到无穷的快乐。

    She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance

  14. 全身心体会放松的感觉。

    Focus on the feeling of relaxation

  15. 看着孩子探索她身边的世界能让你体会到早已忘记的快乐。

    Watching your child explore the world about her can open your eyes to delights long forgotten .

  16. 我会讲他们的语言,能体会他们的难处,因为我自己曾在那里呆过。

    I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself .

  17. 你参加了这次科学讨论会,有什么体会?

    What have you learned from the symposium ?

  18. 请你谈一点个人体会好吗?

    Will you please say a few words about your personal understanding [ experience ] ?

  19. 译者没有体会原文的精神。

    The translator failed to capture the spirit of the original .

  20. 工作结束时,他们体会到一种真正的成就感。

    They had a real sense of achievement when the work was finished .

  21. 让我谈谈个人的体会。

    I 'll say a few words about my personal experience ( or understanding ) .

  22. 她体会到他是尽力向他表示他的寂寞。

    She realized that he was trying to convey to her that he was lonely .

  23. 作为过来人,我可以讲讲我的体会。

    As one who has been through the experience , let me tell you how I feel .

  24. 不付出辛勤的劳动就无法体会真正的幸福。

    You won 't know real happiness if you don 't put in a lot of hard work .

  25. 当我在黑夜里躺着的时候,吃惊地体会到我心里有某种东西。

    As I lay in that dark hour , I was aghast to realise that something was within me .

  26. 但不是每一个拥有HSAM的人都能体会这些好处。

    Not everyone with HSAM has experienced these benefits , however .

  27. 你会体会那些一样鲜活的情绪……

    You feel the same emotions — it is just as raw , just as fresh ...

  28. 42岁的米格尔·梅达拥有硕士学位,在公共健康部门工作,他是家里的第一个大学生,正是因为如此,他体会到了他的父母和祖父母从未体会到的经济稳定感。

    Miguel Maeda , 42 , who has a master 's degree and works in public health , was the first in his family to go to college , which has allowed him to achieve a sense of financial stability his parents and grandparents never did .

  29. 然而,他们更喜欢去看和听,而不是亲自体会。

    However , they like watching and listening rather than joining in .

  30. 本文介绍了笔者在ISO9001质量体系认证工作中的几点体会。

    The author presents some realizations from the certificate assurance work .