
  1. 不像《辣妈辣妹》(FreakyFriday),这部影片没有身份互换,而是七十多岁、唠唠叨叨的婆婆沈梦君在去了一个神秘的照相馆之后变回了20岁时的模样。

    In this case , no bodies are switched à la " Freaky Friday " ; instead , a nagging septuagenarian mother-in-law , Shen Mengjun , turns back into her 20-year-old self after visiting a mysterious photography studio .

  2. 70岁时的沈梦君由老戏骨归亚蕾饰演,但是真正有趣的是饰演20岁沈梦君的杨子姗,她可以拿老年人脾气暴躁、爱唠叨这种老套剧情大做文章。

    A veteran actress , Grace Guei , plays the character as a 70-year-old , but it 's Yang Zi Shan as the rejuvenated version who gets to have fun playing with grumpy-old-biddy clich é s.

  3. 重返青春之前,沈梦君和心爱的儿子(一名教授)以及他的家人住在一起,但是变身之后,她躲起来(甚至换了个名字),开始寻找自我。

    Before her transformation , Mengjun lives with her beloved son ( a professor ) and his family , but afterward she goes into hiding ( even adopting a different name ) to find herself .

  4. 一开始,这部有着糖果色彩的电影把很多笑料都放在沈梦君身上,她长着流行歌手般的漂亮面孔,却仍用假正经、挑剔的眼光看待世界。

    At first , Mr. Chen 's candy-colored movie lands many of its gags through the fact that Mengjun , behind her pop-star-cutie face , still views the world through a prudish , nit-picking mind-set .