
hǎi dǐ
  • seabed;seafloor;sea floor;the bottom of the sea;benthos;Davy Jones's locker
海底 [hǎi dǐ]
  • (1) [sea floor]∶海洋的底部

  • (2) [seabed]∶海床

海底[hǎi dǐ]
  1. 这种鱼常沉潜于海底。

    This kind of fish usually stays at the bottom of the sea .

  2. 海参是生活在海底的奇怪动物。

    Sea cucumbers are strange animals living at the bottom of the sea .

  3. 古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。

    Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean .

  4. 沉船躺在海底。

    The wreck is lying at the bottom of the sea .

  5. 船沉入海底。

    The ship sank to the bottom of the sea .

  6. 计算机软件可用于模拟海底状况。

    Computer software can be used to simulate conditions on the seabed .

  7. 潜水员希望揭开海底的一些秘密。

    The divers hoped to unlock some of the secrets of the seabed .

  8. 船已葬身海底,无法打捞。

    The ship was buried , beyond retrieval , at the bottom of the sea .

  9. 沉没的帆船在海底闪烁着白光。

    The sunken sailing-boat was a glimmer of white on the bottom

  10. 海平面下降使白令海底部的浅层大陆架暴露出来。

    Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea

  11. 它们花好几个小时在海底进食。

    They spend hours feeding on the ocean floor .

  12. 打捞海底残骸这一浩大工程持续了三周。

    For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed .

  13. 生活在海底的鱼数量繁多。

    So many fish live on the sea bottom .

  14. 那座偏远小岛上的居民一直梦想着开凿海底隧道。

    The villagers on the remote island have been dreaming of tunnelling under the sea .

  15. 政府宣布在海底发现了另一个大油田。

    The government announced the discovery of another large oilfield at the bottom of the sea .

  16. 那条船深沉海底。

    The ship sank deep into the sea .

  17. 海底还有大量未利用的石油资源。

    There are still vast virgin reserves of oil under the sea .

  18. 海洋中经常发生海底地震。

    Submarine earthquakes often happen in ocean .

  19. 有一件事是肯定的:海底不再是地球科学家所独占的领域了。

    One thing is certain : the sea floor is no longer the province of Geoscientists alone .

  20. 这架中空的A300已被清空,并在其中一切对环境有潜在危害的东西都被拆除后,于今日沉入了爱琴海底。

    The hollowed-out A300 was stripped of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sunk off the Aegean coast today .

  21. 我等待着沙漠的日落,然后寻找几百万年前沙漠变成海底时留在那里的贝壳。

    I watched for the desert sunsets , and hunted for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the desert had been an ocean floor .

  22. 加重的玻璃瓶几乎沉到了海底,然后缓慢地移动了108年138天。

    The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor , and then it moved slowly for 108 years and 138 days .

  23. 在深深的海底,有一个伟大的国度。

    There is a great kingdom under the sea .

  24. 这给电信公司提供了如何保护海底电缆的新思路。

    And this gives telecoms companies fresh ideas on how to protect submarine cables .

  25. 许多国家在海底开采石油。

    Many countries exploit oil under the sea .

  26. 海底有丰富的矿物质。

    The sea bed is rich in mineral .

  27. 上升熔岩流到海底并堵住了裂隙,结果把海水封在里面

    Rising molten rock flows out on the ocean floor and caps the fissures , trapping the water .

  28. 很多人都梦想着能找到沙克尔顿失落的极地游艇“持久号”的残骸,这艘游艇现在位于一万英尺(约三千米)深的南极海底。

    Many have dreamt of locating the remains1 of Shackleton 's lost polar yacht the Endurance , which now lies in Antarctic waters 10000 feet deep .

  29. 这支团队根据对海底情况的评估预测,“持久号”很可能在水下保存完好,未被深海沉积物覆盖,也没有被冰山的底部损坏。

    The team 's assessment2 of seafloor conditions predicts the Endurance is likely still in good shape , not covered by deep sediment3 and undamaged by the keels of icebergs4 .

  30. 由此可见塌向刚果海底峡谷的泥沙量之大,这条蜿蜒的通道从非洲西部海岸线切入海洋。

    This gives you a sense of the volume of sand and mud that collapsed3 down the Congo Canyon4 – a sinuous5 channel that leads away from the West African coastline .