
  1. 加利福尼亚伯克利——对于只在夏天去海边游玩的人来说,海滩仿佛是一种永久的自然遗产,就像落基山脉和五大湖一样。

    BERKELEY , Calif. - TO those of us who visit beaches only in summer , they seem as permanent a part of our natural heritage as the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes .

  2. 加利福尼亚伯克利&对于只在夏天去海边游玩的人来说,海滩仿佛是一种永久的自然遗产,就像落基山脉和五大湖一样。

    BERKELEY , Calif. & TO those of us who visit beaches only in summer , they seem as permanent a part of our natural heritage as the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes .

  3. 不过浪小一点也不是绝无好处的,只有没有巨浪的海才能有沙滩,身处平原的人有幸来海边游玩,在沙滩上嬉戏是必不可少的。

    Wave is not small , however , there can be no benefits , only the sea waves can not have a beach , in the plains to the sea of people fortunate enough to play , play in the beach is essential .

  4. 近期心愿去海边或者欢乐谷游玩,嘿嘿!

    Welcome to come here !!!!!!!!!! Wish all of you happy !