
  1. 椰风暖人,海阔天高。在这美好的季节里,同大家相聚在美丽的海南岛,参加博鳌亚洲论坛2013年年会,我感到十分高兴。

    In this balmy season with clear sky and warm , coconut-scented breeze , I am so glad to meet all of you at the Annual Conference 2013 of the Boao Forum for Asia here in Hainan , a picturesque island embraced by the vast ocean .

  2. 拍飞片,享受的是整个过程:海阔天高,日月风云,心旷神怡。

    To take flying picture , I enjoy the whole process : high sky , wide sea , shining sun , nice moon , and wind , cloud , relaxed and happy .