
wò dǐ
  • Undercover;conceal;dinting;foot-ridding;brushing;thieves act from inside;caunch
卧底 [wò dǐ]
  • [comceal;thieves act from inside] 〈方〉∶指埋伏下来充当内应

卧底[wò dǐ]
  1. 记者通知了警方,后者于是为诱捕史密斯而安插了一名卧底侦探。

    Journalists informed police who planted an undercover detective to trap Smith .

  2. 科隆博是教皇保罗的特使吗?是他在委员会内部设下的卧底吗?

    Was Colombo the emissary of Pope Paul , his Trojan horse within the Commission ?

  3. 警方根据情报和派出卧底进行长时间的调查,结果提出多宗检控。

    Long-term , intelligence-based and undercover operations resulted in many prosecutions .

  4. 本文作者蒂姆•哈福德(TimHarford)著有《卧底经济学家反击战》(TheUndercoverEconomistStrikesBack)

    Tim Harford is the author of ' The Undercover Economist Strikes Back . "

  5. 蒂姆o哈福德的著作《卧底经济学家》(TheUndercoverEconomist)(小布郎出版社(Little,Brown))目前已经出版平装本。

    Tim Harford 's book " The Undercover Economist " ( Little , Brown ) is out now in paperback .

  6. 我是FBI卧底探员戈登也是

    I work for the FBI . Deep cover , same as Gordon .

  7. 我注意到你的书《卧底经济学家》(theundercovereconomist)标价为17.99英镑。

    I notice that your book , the Undercover Economist , has a list price of 17.99 .

  8. 这款咖啡杯盖的创意源自于英国侦探协会(AssociationofBritishDetectives)以及卧底警察,因为许多秘密录音设备是黑社会中众所周知的手段。

    The idea for the coffee lid came from the Association of British Detectives and undercover police as many covert recording devices are commonly known in the criminal underworld .

  9. 还有第三种,企业家以隐姓埋名的方式发现真相,典型代表有《卧底老板》(UndercoverBoss)和《神秘的百万富翁》(TheSecretMillionaire)。

    A third category includes shows where the entrepreneurs disguise themselves to discover the truth anonymously - Undercover Boss and The Secret Millionaire are typical examples .

  10. 该部动作片刻画了由基努里维斯饰演的FBI探员一角,讲述了他做卧底来调查一伙爱好冲浪的银行劫匪的故事。

    The action film features Keanu Reeves as an FBI agent who goes undercover to investigate a gang of surfing bank robbers .

  11. LawMateUK公司掌门人蒂姆·考利(TimCowley)说:“卧底的工作很容易被察觉,因此利用人们的日常用品是至关重要的。”

    Tim Cowley , head of LawMate UK , said : ' It 's very easy to get clocked for what you are doing undercover so to have something that people use everyday is crucial .

  12. 在法庭审判时的相关证据显示,乐成在同FBI的卧底聊天时写道,“如果你能把蓖麻毒素做成速效死亡药片,肯定会大卖。”

    Among evidence introduced at his trial were statements Le made in writing about getting ricin froman FBI covert employee , including : " If you can make them into simple and easy death pills , they 'd become bestsellers . "

  13. 3.0m左右煤层采用单体液压支柱支护卧底煤一次采全高

    Digging overall height floor coal at one times at about 3.0 m seam face with single hydraulic prop

  14. 今年夏天,数名来自动物权益保护组织——善待动物组织(PETA)的成员,潜入一家为爱马仕提供鳄鱼皮的‘短吻鳄工厂’做卧底,将这些鳄鱼所处的极糟糕的环境曝光。

    This summer , members of the animal rights group PETA went undercover at an ' alligator factory ' that provides skins for Hermes , exposing that the creatures were kept in terrible conditions .

  15. 就连那些不喜欢它的人也不得不关注它。1963年,为了给《ShowMagazine》杂志写一篇揭露文章,女权主义先驱格劳丽亚·斯泰纳姆(GloriaSteinem)甚至曾经去赫夫纳旗下的夜总会卧底,做起了花花公子兔女郎。

    Even those who disliked it cared enough to pay attention - Gloria Steinem , the pioneering feminist , went undercover as a waitress , or Playboy Bunny , in one of Mr. Hefner 's spinoff clubs to write an expos é for Show Magazine in 1963 .

  16. 我们发现其中一个是警察的卧底。

    We discovered one of the team was an undercover cop .

  17. 你怎么可能要杀你派去卧底的人。

    You don 't kill somebody you 're trying to plant .

  18. 她是个卧底,并且她发觉了。

    She was deep undercover , and she figured it out .

  19. 对当卧底的苦一般人很难接受

    Yeah , yeah . Being undercover is hard to take .

  20. 我平时可不干这些个卧底的差事

    I don 't normally do this undercover stuff , ok ?

  21. 论卧底侦查争议问题及其法律规制

    On the Issue of Underground Criminal Investigation and its Legal Regulation

  22. 听着,现场有个卧底。

    Listen . there 's an undercover officer on the scene .

  23. 这人在过去八个月中一直担任卧底。

    This guy 's been undercover for the last eight months .

  24. 他们垮台时我在缉毒署做卧底。

    I worked undercover with narcotics when all that went down .

  25. 你们去吧我不想揭破卧底身份。

    Go . I don 't want to blow my cover .

  26. 他们在那里安插了一位隐藏很深的卧底探员。

    They placed an agent on that platform under deep cover .

  27. 怎么讲卧底警察有时候会有分裂症

    Well , sometimes undercover cops can develop symptoms of dissociation .

  28. 我在卧底.-你才没有

    I 'm undercover . - No , you 're not !

  29. 丹尼跟卧底警察追的是同一个人?

    Danny and the undercover are chasing the same guy ?

  30. 卧底侦查的法律规制研究

    The Research on Regulation of Undercover Investigation by the Law