
  • 网络Bedroom Furniture;bedroom set
  1. 贝尔内特的个人偏好可以从他最近为DesignWithinReach公司设计的系列作品中看出来。这是一整套现代、低矮的卧室家具,名为“平行线”(Parallel)。

    Mr. Bernett 's personal preference can be seen in his recent collection for Design Within Reach , a line of modern , low-slung bedroom furniture called Parallel .

  2. 科隆国际家具展卧室家具选萃

    The Choiceness of Bedroom Furniture in International Furniture Fair , Cologne

  3. 你该去看一看克里斯的新卧室家具&它们很漂亮。

    You should see chris 's new bedroom suite it 's gorgeous .

  4. 我的所有东西都被安放在了一套崭新的枫木卧室家具里。

    All my things had been arranged in a new maple bedroom suite .

  5. 美对华木质卧室家具反倾销案对中国出口家具的影响

    Effects of American Antidumping Cases for Chinese Wooden Bedroom Furniture on Chinese Furniture Export

  6. 本周,我们将展出卧室家具。

    We are featuring bedroom furniture this week .

  7. 他们搬进新居后,买了一套卧室家具。

    After they moved into their new house , they bought a bedroom set .

  8. 有个老师攒了几年的购物券,买了一套新的卧室家具。

    One teacher saved up several years ' worth and bought a new bedroom suite .

  9. 为了验证相关研究结论,本文结合美国木质卧室家具反倾销案,完成了案例分析。

    To validate those suggestions , a case study is finished about Wooden Bedroom Furniture Dumping in America .

  10. 现在比较流行的一种卧室家具做法&整体衣柜(整面墙都是衣柜)。

    Now more popular a kind of bedroom furniture procedure , integral chest ( the entire wall are chest ) .

  11. 为了清晰认识美对华木质卧室家具反倾销案对中国出口家具的影响,本文基于我们调研结果和一些资料文献,详实总结归纳美对华木质卧室家具反倾销案对中国出口家具的影响。

    By referring to some researches and literature , the paper summarizes the effects of American antidumping cases for Chinese wooden furniture on Chinese furniture export .

  12. 卧室的家具是北欧风格,简洁,灯光色调温暖。

    The furniture is North-Europe style , simple and the warm-color lights .

  13. 他们还没有找到适合他们卧室的家具。

    They haven 't found all the right furniture for their bedroom .

  14. 她丈夫答应,如果她体重减轻,就送她一套新的卧室用家具。

    Her husband promised her a new bedroom suite if she 'd lose weight .

  15. 我们重新摆放了卧室里的家具。

    We 've rearranged the furniture in the bedroom .

  16. 我们重新摆放了卧室里的家具。

    We have rearranged the furniture in the bedroom .