
  • 网络decanter
  1. 2003年10月新疆油田选用了卧螺离心机以及成套设备用于这种含油污泥脱水,经使用已获得了很好的效果,其固相回收率达99%以上。

    In October 2003 , Xinjiang Oil Fields introduced the decanter and sludge-dewatering whole set equipment , to carry out the dewatering of oily sludge . The experimental results showed that it has a perfect dewatering performance that the rate of solids recovery can be up to 99 % .

  2. 卧螺离心机差速机构改进设计与分析计算

    Improved Design and Analysis for the Differential Framework of Horizontal Screw Decanter Centrifuge

  3. DDGS用大型卧螺离心机的设计与应用

    Design Means and Application of a Large Model Horizontal Decanters Centrifuge for DDGS

  4. LW720ⅡA卧螺离心机的操作与维护

    The operation and maintenance of LW720 ⅱ A horizontal spiral centrifuge

  5. 液压控制WLZ-300型卧螺离心机的开发研制

    Develop WLZ-300 's Screw Decanter with the Hydraulic Transmission

  6. 卧螺离心机流场数值模拟及试验研究

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on Flow Field of Spiral Centrifuge

  7. 基于有限元法的卧螺离心机转鼓优化设计

    Optimum Design of the Decanter Centrifuge Baskets Based on FEM

  8. 卧螺离心机实时监测与故障自愈系统研究

    A system of real-time monitoring and fault self-recovering for centrifuge

  9. 卧螺离心机叶片的回转应力分析

    The Rotating Stress Analysis in a Vane of Horizontal Centrifuger

  10. 卧螺离心机在烧结法粗液分离中的应用研究

    Studies of Application of Horizontal Screw Centrifugal Machine in Coarse Liquid Separation

  11. 本文的研究结果可以指导卧螺离心机的设计和使用。

    This research results can guide the design and use of the Centrifuge .

  12. 卧螺离心机叶片的弯曲问题

    The bending problems in a vane of horizontal centrifuger

  13. 卧螺离心机传动机构改进及其控制系统设计

    Improved for Transmission Mechanism of Horizontal Screw Decanter and Design of Control System

  14. 卧螺离心机离合差动组合机构设计计算离心机临界振动转速

    Design and calculation on the on-off differential combination mechanism of horizontal screw centrifuge

  15. 卧螺离心机在处理石棉废水中的应用

    Application of Spiral Sedimentation Centrifugal Machine in Asbestos Wastewater Wastewater Renovation Treating Wastewater

  16. 井下装载机差速器的选择卧螺离心机渐开线齿轮差速器的选型

    Type selection of involute differential gear for horizontal screw type centrifugal machine applications

  17. 卧螺离心机转鼓主要参数对其模态的影响

    Research on the influence of modality affected by main parameters of horizontal spiral centrifuge

  18. 卧螺离心机双锥角转鼓结构的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of a horizontal screw decanter centrifuge drum with double tapered beach

  19. 有限元法在卧螺离心机转鼓强度分析上的应用

    Application of the Finite Element Method in the Strength Analysis of a Decanter Centrifuge Drum

  20. 此外,卧螺离心机的内部流体流动状态也不是十分清楚。

    Moreover , the internal fluid flow of decanter centrifuge is still not very clear .

  21. 卧螺离心机在氧化铝生产赤泥分离技术中的应用探讨

    Application of horizontal screw unloading settling centrifuge on separation of red mud in alumina process

  22. 卧螺离心机旋转系统动平衡校验新方法

    The new method of the dynamic balance check on rotating system in horizontally helix-centrifugal machine

  23. 卧螺离心机的运行控制与维护管理

    Operation and Maintenance of Horizontal Spiral Centrifuges

  24. 卧螺离心机转鼓虚拟样机建模与有限元仿真研究

    Modeling and Finite Element Analysis on Drum of Horizontal Screw Centrifuge Based on Virtual Prototype Technology

  25. 卧螺离心机的负荷特性运动参数对差速器的影响

    The Loading Characteristics and Kinematic Parameters of Horizontal Screw Centrifuger and their Effects on the Differential

  26. 卧螺离心机不解拍整机动平衡方法及拍振信号的提取与处理

    Method of Balancing Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge Without Resolving Beat and Pick-up and Process of Beat Signal

  27. 速度调节感应离合器艾默生共直流母线交流变频调速系统在卧螺离心机中的应用

    Application of Emerson Common DC Bus AC Variable Frequence and Speed Regulating System on Centrifugal Machine

  28. 本文着重介绍了卧螺离心机在水厂采用气浮法产水过程中产生的藻类气浮污泥的脱水处理。

    The paper introduces the application of decanter centrifuge in alga sludge dewatering in water supply in waterworks .

  29. 远离城市中心的城区。卧螺离心机在酒糟废液分离中的应用

    A part of the city far removed from the center . Application of Decanter in Waste Liquid of Distillers ' Grains

  30. 该测试系统除了能对卧螺离心机进行现场整机动平衡,还能对单校正面和双校正面转子系统进行现场整机动平衡。

    This measurement system include field balance the dual rotor system with slightly different speed , single emendation plate and double emendation plate .