
  • 网络Wolonghe gas field
  1. 系统分析了达县&卧龙河湿气管道爆裂的原因和干气管道内硫化铁粉尘产生的原因及其危害。

    The fracture of Daxian-Wolonghe River Wet Gas Pipeline and the hazards of ferric sulfide powder produced in dry gas pipeline are analyzed in detail .

  2. 为此,在卧龙河断陡带构造细节解释中,运用地质、地震、钻井、试井、气藏工程等多学科知识进行综合分析,找出了断陡带构造细节变化的规律。

    For this reason , a comprehensive analysis by use of multiple disciplines knowledge ( including geological and seismic prospecting , drilling , well test and gas reservoir engineering , etc. )

  3. 采用汽提隔油生化处理流程处理卧龙河脱硫厂污水取得了良好的试验效果(可达到国家工业污水排放标准)。

    It is successful to treat the wastewater of desulfurization plant by adopting the flow scheme : Steam stripping - Oil removal Biochemical treatment . The treated effluent meets the national standard on discharging industrial wastewater .