
  • 网络boundary adjustment;conditioning
  1. 这位苹果高管还否定了开征边界调整税的主意,这项主意也赢得了特朗普政府的支持。

    The Apple executive also rejected the idea of a border adjustment tax , which has also won support from the Trump administration ..

  2. 经过边界调整后的国有林业企业建立现代国有企业制度,而退出国有部门的林业企业则实行现代企业制度。

    Boundary-adjusted state-owned forestry enterprises should establish modern state-owned enterprise system , while the forestry enterprises exited from state sector should set up modern enterprise system .

  3. 在过程参数已知的情形中,推导了该情形下边界调整策略后,还分析了过程参数、调整费用等对调整边界和调整效果的影响。

    In the situation of known process parameters , the sensitivity of the adjustment strategy with respect to the process parameters and adjustment cost are investigated .

  4. 计算和实验结果表明,阴极边界调整法收敛性较好,迭代次数适当,能满足设计要求。

    The calculations and the experiments show that the convergence property and the iteration time of the method are excellent , and the method is available in the ECM .

  5. 讨论了金属塑性成形三维有限元模拟过程中动态边界调整的问题,提出了已触模节点位置调整的新方法&原长修正法。

    The problems for adjusting boundary nodes in three dimensional rigid plastic FEM simulation of metal forming are discussed , and a new method of re position the touch mould nodes named Original Length Method ( OLM ) has been proposed .

  6. 在耕作制度上,采用调整作物播期、改变当前多熟制边界、调整水作和旱作作物、C3作物和C4作物的播种面积和区域布局等措施;

    The following measures should be taken in farming systems to adapt the climate change : adjusting sowing period , changing cropping systems , adjusting crop distribution on dryland and irrigated land , and selecting C_3 or C_4 crop .

  7. 统一市场的消失和企业边界的调整

    The Disappearance of Homogeneous Market and the Adjustment to the Enterprise Boundary

  8. 闭曲面有限元网格生成的边界预调整方法

    Boundary Pre-Adjustment Method for Finite-Element Mesh Generation of Closed Surface

  9. 在实测资料的基础上,用三维有限元和边界荷载调整法大致模拟工程区的初始地应力;

    Based on measured data , the initial ground stresses of the project area were simulated approximately by three_dimesional FEM and boundary load adjustment method .

  10. 建议扩大系统边界,调整药事管理目标,采用系统的观点和方法进行药事管理。

    It is advisable to enlarge system boundary , adjust the objective of pharmacy administration , and adopt a systematic point of view and methodology in the practice of pharmacy administration .

  11. 为了适应经济全球化和知识经济时代的挑战,越来越多的企业开始对企业的组织结构和边界进行调整。

    In order to fit in with the economical globalization and the challenge of the knowledge economic era , more and more corporations begin to adjust the organization structure and the boundary of the corporation .

  12. 整体上市可以看作是企业对其边界进行的调整,有利于整个企业集团降低交易费用和提高资产配置效率。

    Listed as a whole can be seen as the adjustment of its borders of enterprises , it can help to reduce transaction costs throughout the enterprise group and advance the efficiency of asset allocation .

  13. 考虑到每次调整需要成本,通过对过程输出质量特性偏离目标值引起的损失和调整成本之间进行权衡,基于过程输出质量特性的预报分布,设计了过程相应的边界形式的调整策略。

    Since the adjustment has a cost , we trade off the loss caused by the deviation from target of the quality characteristic and the adjustment cost . Based on the deduced predictive distribution of the quality characteristic , the deadband form adjustment strategy is proposed .

  14. 应用和拓展可展面自然路径数值算法,在一般曲面上引入边界控制点调整预浸带中心点以减小预浸带变形、实现铺放,构造了一般曲面自然路径求解格式。

    By application and modification of the natural path calculating method on developable surface , a new approach for calculating natural path on general surface is developed , in which new control points are induced to adjust center point of prepreg tape so as to decrease its global deformation .

  15. 边界层风场调整的分析

    ON PBL WIND ADJUSTMENT Boundary thinking

  16. 本文通过对边界覆盖电平的测试和分析,提出对根据边界条件调整覆盖的建议。

    Based on testing and analyzing the coverage level on the boundary , this paper proposed some suggestions of adjusting coverage according to the boundary conditions .

  17. 在测量的初始帧,手动选取测量窗口,采用像素灰度值的梯度算法对图像测量窗口内的边界进行自动识别,得到主动脉弓的真实边界,进而调整测量窗口至最佳位置。

    For the first frame , the measurement window is selected manually and the boundary of aortic arch can be automatically recognized by using the gradient algorithm of pixel value to detect the edge within the window . Then the measurement window is adjusted to the most suitable position .