
  • 网络Frontier Literature
  1. 从《军队的女儿》看边疆文学创作的审美追求

    How to Pursue Aesthetics in Creating Frontier Literature by Borrowing the Daughter of Army

  2. 作为最后边疆文学的西部小说

    The Western Novel as Literature of the Last Frontier

  3. 西南边疆当代文学研究的基本价值与理路

    On the Researching Value and Method of the " Modern Literature in the Southwestern Frontier "

  4. 西南边疆当代文学主要是指中国西南地区以云南、广西、贵州为主的边疆省份的当代文学。这是一个被主流学界忽视的文学范畴。

    The modern literature in the Southwestern Frontier , a literature category neglected by the mainstream literature , refers to the literature in the provinces in the southwest in China as Yunnan , Guizhou and Guangxi .

  5. 研究西南边疆当代文学的价值在于发现其存在与发展的权利与潜力,为中国当代文学和文学理论建设提供更多民族化的、原创性的文学支撑材料。

    The value of researching the modern literature in the Southwestern Frontier is to discover its existing and developing rights and potential , which will provide more national and original literary supportive materials for the modern Chinese literature and the construction of the literary theory .