
  • 网络marginal narratives
  1. 边缘叙事:《杂志》的灰色外衣与张爱玲的荒凉美学。

    Charter three , the edge of narrative : The " grey " coat of Magazine and the " desolate " aesthetics of Eileen Chang .

  2. 所谓边缘叙事是相对于不同阶段的那些被肯定和推崇的主张和创作而言的一个历史的概念。

    " Marginal narration " actually is a " historical concept " in comparison with the propositions and creations affirmed and advocated in different periods .

  3. 本文首先确立了杨绛边缘叙事与智性写作的总体艺术创作风格并对其进行了简单的梳理。

    This article first establishes the general artistic style , which is characterized by " marginal narration " and " witty creation ", and makes an arrangement on it .

  4. 在对上述特色的综合把握中我们更加具体而深刻地感悟到边缘叙事与智性写作的价值与魅力所在。

    Though the above synthetic analysis on the features of Yangjiang 's works , we have a further and substantial idea of the value and charm of " marginal narration " and " witty creation " .

  5. 东西小说创作体现出一种边缘化的叙事姿态,故事荒诞化的背后实际上是对人类生存困境和存在本质的关注。

    A marginal narrative style is embodied in the creation of eastern and western novels and at back of incredible plot is the essence of the difficult position of human existence .

  6. 城市边缘人报道的叙事学分析

    On News Reports of " the Urban Marginalized "

  7. 行走于边缘的欲望化叙事&新生代作家小说创作评析

    Desiring Narration on Margin & Comments on " Cenozoic " Novelists ' Creative Writing

  8. 他在边缘处的深度叙事、对个体经验的剖析书写、对存在的追问都使他的小说具有了独特的创作个性与丰富的可言说性。

    His narrating in the edge depth , and analyzing his individual experience , closely examined right " existence " etc , are all enabled his novel to have the unique creation individuality and rich nature of speaking .