
  • 网络triangulateration network
  1. 二次定权平差法在边角网平差中的应用

    Application of Two-time-weighting Adjustment in Triangulateration Network

  2. GPS变形监测网与边角网比较分析

    Comparison between GPS Net and Triangulateration Net on Monitoring

  3. ECNAS能满足对任意水准网、常规边角网和三维网、任意工程GPS网的多种定权方案的平差计算要求。

    ECNAS can satisfy the requirements of adjustment calculation using multiple programs of weighting for any leveling network , conventional side-angular network , three dimensional network and any engineering GPS network .

  4. 边角网监测高山区形变的实践性研究

    Practical Study on Monitoring Deformation at Mountainous Region with Side-angle Network

  5. 矩阵反演公式在工程边角网优化设计中的应用

    Application of Matrix Inversion Formula in Optimum Design of Engineering Networks

  6. 附有条件的边角网消去定向角后方差分量估计

    The Variance Part Estimate Eliminating Orientation Angles in the Triangulation Network with Constraints

  7. 矿区边角网平差新方法

    A new adjustment method of a mine Side-angle network

  8. 边角网的精度和优化

    Accuracy and optimization of side & angled networks

  9. 边角网粗差定位的改进带权数据探测法

    Improved Data Snooping Method with Weight for Gross Error Detection in Combined Framework of Triangulation and Trilateration

  10. 提出了用于边角网平差计算的附加系统误差参数自检校平差方法,分析了边角网的可靠性和精度。

    The paper presents methods of automatic checking adjustment of additional systematic error parameter in adjustment computations in side direction net .

  11. 并阐述了特高精度边角网布设和施测中为减少大气折光影响的一些对策。

    At last , it expounds some countermeasures to reduce the influence of side-refraction when dispose and survey ultrahigh-precision line angle nets .

  12. 众所周知,边角网平差时应进行方差分量估计,以使观测权趋于合理。

    It is known that during the side and angle adjustment of networks , it is necessary to do the variance components estimation to make the weights of observations rational .

  13. 对均压导体电流分布的计算分析又表明,其边角网孔处的散流电流大于中心处导体的。

    To presses the conductor current distribution the computation analysis to indicate that , its corner network drifts the electric current to be bigger than the center of the conductor .

  14. 对中精度一定情况下,微型边角网的短边测角误差相对大些,其成果应作不等精度混合平差。

    Under a certain aim-mid precision , the error of short line angle survey of the mini brim-angle net is bigger , so the production should be done the unequal precision mixable adjustment .

  15. 工程边角控制网的精度分析和优化设计

    The Accuracy Analysis and Optimization Design of Engineering Trilateration and Triangulation Control Network

  16. 本程序适用于三角网、边角混合网的平差计算,适应性强,运算也较方便。

    The new method , which is both adaptable and convenient , may be used in triangulation adjustment , and triangulateration adjustment as well .

  17. 珊溪水电站大坝变形监测项目包括近坝区高程控制网和平面边角控制网、大坝视准线及沉陷观测。

    The deformation monitoring items of the dam for Shanxi Hydropower Station include the elevation control network close to the dam area , plane control network of triangulation and trilateral , dam collimation line and settlement monitoring .

  18. 说明在测角网、测边网、边角同测网和导线中产生长边条件的情况。

    The situation in which it produces long side condition in triagulation net , trilateration net , triangulateration net and traverse is explained .