
  • 网络Life on a String
  1. 学生们边走边唱那首英语歌曲。

    The students sang the English song as they went along .

  2. 学生们边走边唱。

    The students sing as they go along .

  3. 她沿着河堤边走边唱着流行歌曲。

    As ( she was ) walking along the river bank , she was singing a pop song .

  4. 当他们出发经过平原,前往目的地的时候,鸟儿们边走边唱,似乎并未感觉到负担的重量。

    They sang as they went , and did not seem to feel the weight of their burdens at all .

  5. 尽管没有谁能听到,他还是边走边唱着赞美自己的歌。

    He began to sing a song about himself as he walked along , although there was no one to hear it .

  6. 很快你就能走出总统办公室边走边唱:滴滴嘟嘟哒~滴滴嘟嘟哒~(迪斯尼儿歌)

    And won 't be long , you 'll be able to walking right out of the Oval Office singing Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah , Zip-a-Dee-Day .

  7. 无论走到哪里,做什么,我都希望带着我心爱的旋律一起上路。边走边唱的旅途,永远不会孤独。

    Whatever I do & wherever I go , I hope I could take my tunes with me . Along with singing , you are never alone in journey of life .

  8. 他边向前走边大声唱着歌。

    He sang loudly as he walked along .

  9. 拿着木制十字架的菲律宾人边走边以塔加洛语唱着诗歌,有些人热泪盈眶。先生,请这边走!

    Filipinos carrying wooden crosses marched singing a hymn in Tagalog , some in tears . This way , please , gents !