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  1. 而且,你也不应该在桌边让人四处传看你的手机。

    And it is probably not something you want to pass around the table .

  2. 教师边让学生读句子,做到熟练掌握。

    Let the students practice more and more .

  3. 老太太边让莉莉坐下,边谈起了那封信。

    As she motioned Lilly to a chair , the lady talked about the letter .

  4. 她会边说好话边让新娘穿戴“上头”。

    She spoke auspicious words while dressing the bride 's hair in the style of a married woman .

  5. 但是,无论蔡邕、孔融本人,还是他们所推荐的边让、祢衡,最后的命运都很悲惨,全都招致杀身之祸。

    But all of them eventually got tragic fates , whether Cai Yong and Kong Rong themselves , or Bian Rang and Mi Heng they recommended .

  6. 吃完后,吝啬鬼说:“既然我们还在桌子边,让我们连晚饭也吃了吧。”这次上桌的有排骨、煮土豆和杂烩青菜。于是两个人又吃起来。

    When they had finished , the cheap farmer said , " While we 're still at the table , let 's have supper too . " They were now served steak , boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables , and they ate once more .

  7. 在一场万众瞩目的比赛中,阿里待在围绳边,让福尔曼痛殴他。

    In a remarkable fight , Ali stayed on the ropes , letting Foreman punch himself out .

  8. 边袋让对冲基金可以把资金投入房地产等流动性较小的投资中,使投资者更难以撤回资金。

    These allow hedge funds to place money in less liquid investments such as property , making it more difficult for investors to withdraw money .

  9. 我把袋子留在寺院大门边,让凌晨时分计程车到来时,可以拿了就走。

    I pack my bag and leave it by the temple gate , so I can be ready to grab it and go when the taxi arrives before dawn .

  10. 然而事与愿违,宇宙如此浩瀚无边,让我们困惑不已,事实上我们甚至连自身所处的太阳系都了解不多。

    However , the universe loves to confuse us , and - frankly - humanity has yet to come to grips with what is in our own solar system .

  11. 西氏却不同,他本人即是那种已被煤烟熏个乌黑的红砖排房所产的“一件产品”,他仍记得,就在这儿,被父亲反复殴打的母亲把头架在桶边好让血别流到毯子上;

    But Mr Sillitoe was a product of those sooty red-brick terraces , where he remembered his mother , beaten yet again by his father , holding her head over a bucket so the blood didn 't run on the carpet ;

  12. 吃完了这顿早中饭后,吝啬鬼又说:“既然我们还在桌子边,让我们连晚饭也吃了吧。”这次上桌的有排骨、薄饼和两碗稀粥。于是两个人又吃起来。

    When they finished the brunches , the cheap farmer said , " While we 're still at the table , let 's have supper too . " They were now served steak , pancakes , two bowls of gruel and they ate once more .

  13. 火边的能让某物保暖的架子。

    A shelf beside an open fire where something can be kept warm .

  14. 于是他就把蛇带回家,把它放在火边,试图让它暖和起来。

    So he took it home , put it by the fire-side , and tried to make it warm .

  15. 因为我用的是一个圆的平底锅,我不得不把边切掉,让它变成一个正方形的形状。

    Since I used a round pan , I had to cut off the borders to give it a square shape .

  16. 方法如下:挺直站立,稍微侧边倾,让一个肩头离相机近一点。一旦摆好这个姿势,面向镜头。

    Here 's how : Stand up straight and turn slightly to the side so one shoulder is closer to the camera . Once you 've hit this position , look toward the lens .

  17. 包括:带有1组自动横向运输机的2组修边锯。让学生操作各种机械工具如带锯、床和车床。

    Includes : Two ( 2 ) Trim saws with one ( 1 ) automatic cross over conveyor . Students work with a variety of machine tools including the bandsaw , milling machine , and lathe .

  18. 一天,有个和尚看见庙中的这两座像,心里很不高兴,说:“我们佛法广大无边,怎么能让佛祖屈居在老君的右边呢?”

    One day , a monk5 saw the two idols in the temple . He was displeased6 and said : " The power of Buddha7 is infinite . How can we condescend8 to allow the idol of Sakyamuni to be placed on the right of that of Tai Shang Lao Jun ? "

  19. 好吧,特伦森夫人呆在边上会不会让你分心?

    Well , does it bother you if lady Trentham stays ?

  20. 我甚至把纸边烧了一下让它更好看些

    I even burned the edges to make it look fancy .

  21. 修女们聚集在她的病床边,想办法让她舒适的离去。

    The nuns gathered around her bed , trying to make her comfortable .

  22. 越过那片热平原,就会来到一条像这样的河流边,这会让你神清气爽。

    After the hot plains , coming across a river like this will really lift your spirits .

  23. 幻影站在墓地边,他想让克里斯汀和他在一起。但随后罗欧赶了过来带走了克里斯汀。

    The Phantom is at the burial ground . He wants Christine to join him . But Raoul comes and takes her away .

  24. 他对食物贪婪得像猪一般,总是不停地在垃圾桶边转悠他的脸让我想起某种低贱的以腐肉为生的野兽。

    He was as greedy as a pig about food , perpetually scrounging around dustbins , and he had a face that recalled some low-down carrion-eating beast .

  25. 当然我们状态不错,踢阿森纳赢得很漂亮。他们的那个年轻边后卫的滑倒让我们打得更轻松。

    Certainly we are approaching it in good shape after a brilliant display against the Gunners who started extremely well , only to give us a break when their young full-back slipped at a vital moment .

  26. 佩里本人确信美军能够拿下宁边,同时不会让核辐射危及整个半岛,相当于默许了轰炸的行动。

    Perry himself was certain that the US could take out Yongbyon without washing the peninsula in radiation . However , he was equally certain telling the president that this would result in the bombing being green-lit .

  27. 他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。

    He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals .

  28. 边听录音,边让学生跟着在彩图中标出路线,这样答案就非常明显。

    Play the tape for the students to listen and have the students follow along .

  29. 她边嚷边旋转着让他看最美的姿势,同时晃着脑袋叫那些羽毛跳个不停。

    She cried , pirouetting for his benefit and tossing her head so that the plume danced .

  30. 没错,边听钢琴曲边锻炼能让老年人保持较好的平衡感。

    Thats right , the elderly gain a better sense of balance when they exercise to piano music .