
  • 网络termination shock
  1. 二次喷射流场包含复杂的涡系结构和波系结构,还存在着边界层与激波的相互干扰、自由剪切层、激波、膨胀波和大尺寸分离。

    The secondary flow field includes complex vortices and shockwave series . It also has interaction by the boundary layer and shockwave , free shearing layer , shockwave , rarefaction wave and heavy gauge separation .

  2. 本文介绍弯曲壁面上湍流边界层与正激波干涉的某些计算结果。

    Some calculating results on interaction between a normal shock and turbulent boundary layer in transonic flow over a curved wall are presented .

  3. 对单组分浸渍于渗透-吸附模型提出了具有一般意义的边界条件,应用激波理论得到了浓度分布的解析解。

    For mono-component impregnation model , a generalized boundary condition was suggested , and the analytical solution of the concentration profiles can be obtained for penetration-adsorption equation by shockwave theory .

  4. 本文对一般具有不规则边界的含复杂激波系的火箭导弹射流冲击流场初边值问题的物理解进行了计算。

    The physical solution of the initial and boundary problems of the rocket and missile impingement with complex shock structures in arbitrary bounded flow fields has been calculated in this paper .