
  • 网络EDGE;edge triggered;edge-triggered;Edge trigger
  1. 这种方案的主要优势在于倍频和计数操作不是通过信号的边沿触发,而是通过对信号的状态进行采样和比较来实现。

    The significant advantage of the proposed scheme lines in that the pulses frequency multiplication and counting were not driven by pulses rising edge , but driven by sampling and comparing pulse states .

  2. 利用双输出口调制器典型的互补输出特性,通过偏置调制器于非线性传输点,可得到一对由NRZ序列边沿触发的明暗脉冲。

    The MZM is driven by a non-return-to-zero ( NRZ ) data sequence and biased at the nonlinear point to generate edge-triggered pulses .

  3. 提出了一种基于共振隧穿二极管的新型边沿触发D触发器并将之用于构成二进制分频器。

    A novel edge-triggered D-flip-flop based on a resonant tunneling diode ( RTD ) is proposed and used to construct a binary frequency divider .

  4. 分析与比较了触发器三种触发方式:电平触发、脉冲触发、边沿触发。

    Three triggered ways of the flip-flop which are master-slave flip-flop , pulse flip-flop , edge-triggered flip-flop , is analyzed and compared in the paper .

  5. 与原有的门控时钟技术相比,本文提出的时钟边沿控制技术可以一次只封锁一个时钟边沿的触发,其应用范围更广。

    Compared with the clock gating technique , the clock edge control technique has a wider range of applications .