
  1. 煤矿瓦斯地质学是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科,问世15年取得了巨大进展。

    Mining gas-geology , a new intersect discipline , has made great progress for these 15 years .

  2. 低温生物学是热科学、工程学和生物学与医学之间的边缘交叉学科。

    Cryobiology is an inter-and trans-disciplinary area which combines thermal science , engineering , biology and medicine .

  3. 继地震地层学、层序地层学之后,又出现了一门新的边缘交叉学科&地震沉积学。

    Following seismic stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy , there has been a new emerged edge inter-discipline & seismic sedimentology .

  4. 健康人口学是一门正处于创立和发展之中的人口科学和健康科学相结合的边缘交叉学科。

    Health demography is a newly emerging discipline that emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature between the population science and health science .

  5. 起源于17世纪末的园艺疗法集园艺、医学、心理学为一体,是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科。

    Horticultural therapy , which originated in the end of17th century , is an intercross subject that comprises horticulture , medicine and psychology .

  6. 回顾了我国煤矿瓦斯地质编图的过程,总结了边缘交叉学科瓦斯地质研究所取得的成就及其在指导煤矿安全生产和工程中的应用。

    The processes of mining gas-geologic map in China was reviewed , the research achievement in gas-geology and its application in engineering and production have been summarized .

  7. 简单地讲,地震沉积学是应用地震信息研究沉积岩及其形成过程的学科,它是继地震地层学、层序地层学之后的又一门新的边缘交叉学科。

    Seismic sedimentology is the use of seismic information to study sedimentary rocks and their forming processes . It is a new marginal interdisciplinary subject following seismic stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy .

  8. 工业设计作为一门边缘交叉学科,在综合利用科学技术和艺术进行产品造型设计创新上,与国家创新体系有密切关系。

    Industrial design , as an interdiscipline , is closely connected with the national innovation system in comprehensively utilizing science , technology and arts to innovate the modelling design of products .

  9. 音乐治疗学是一门新兴的,集音乐、医学和心理学为一体的边缘交叉学科,是音乐的作用在传统的艺术欣赏和审美领域之外的应用和发展。

    Music Therapy is a new and developing marginal science , integrating music , therapy and psychology together , and is the development and application of music influence beyond traditional art appreciation and aesthetic conceptions .

  10. 旅游健康学是以旅游健康为研究对象,研究其形成机制、时空规律以及防范对策的学科,它和旅游心理学、旅游经济学、旅游市场学一样,是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科。

    The research focuses on the occurrence pattern , the spatio-temporal rules and the precautionary measures of tourism health and its risks . As same as Tourism Psychology and Tourism Economics , the Science of Tourism Health is a newly rising cross-discipline .

  11. 淡化学科界线,在物理学和化学水平上发展新的边缘交叉学科,是合理、高效地利用矿产资源和发展新材料的需要,也是学科发展的必然。

    Dimming the boundaries between mineralogy , petrology and materials science and developing new frontier disciplines on the level of physics and chemistry are necessary to the rational use of mineral resources and to the development of new materials , and are also the inevitable trend of the disciplines development .

  12. 随着社会的进步,集音乐、医学和心理学为一体的边缘交叉学科&音乐治疗学的兴起,使得音乐的作用在传统的艺术欣赏和审美领域之外得到了更广泛的应用和发展。

    With the development of the society , a frontier overlapping subject named music treatment theory has sprung up , which contains music , medical science and psychology . And it makes the function of music be widely applied and developed besides the traditional area of art and beauty appreciation .

  13. 介绍恢复生态学的定义,阐述恢复生态学研究的层次、对象与目标,强调了开展恢复生态学的研究能够加强和促进相关新兴学科、边缘和交叉学科的联系、渗透和发展。

    This paper gives a definition of restoration ecology , introduces its contents and objectives of research .

  14. 复杂性科学是21世纪一门新兴的边缘、交叉学科,探索复杂性正在成为当代科学最具革命性的前沿。

    Complexity science is a new developing interdisciplinary in the 21st Century . Exploring complexity is becoming the frontier of modern science .

  15. 在20世纪,现代数学的迅猛发展,为社会科学研究开辟了许多崭新的研究领域,产生了大量的边缘和交叉学科。

    20th century development of mathematics already gave rise to quite a number of new fields of study and multi discipline research projects .

  16. 汉字中数字文化的研究同汉字文化学一样是一门多边缘交叉的学科,它是以汉字中的数字为研究核心的数字与文化相交叉的研究课题。

    The research of numeral culture in Chinese character is also an interdisciplinary subject as the study of Chinese character culturology . This is a kind of intersectional research topic that studies the numerals in Chinese character and the numeral culture .

  17. 系统的复杂性和解决问题的难度,需要边缘学科、交叉学科的渗透和融入来解决创新与突破的问题。

    The complications of system and the difficulties of solving problems require for referring to some interdisciplinary to solve the problems on the aspect of innovation and breakthrough .

  18. 艺术考古学作为一门在考古学与艺术学的边缘地带产生的交叉学科,其形成和确立顺应了考古学与艺术学学科发展的必然趋势;

    As a cross discipline , art archaeology was born in the brim between archaeology and art .