
biān yuǎn
  • remote;outlying;extremity;far from the centre
边远 [biān yuǎn]
  • [remote] 靠近边界的;远离中心地区的

  • 边远地区

  • 边远县份

边远[biān yuǎn]
  1. 滑坡使边远地区的许多村庄与外界隔绝。

    Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas .

  2. 边远农村缺医少药。

    Remote rural areas are short of doctors and medicine .

  3. 他们住在边远地区的一个农场里。

    They live on a farm somewhere out in the wilds .

  4. 渡船是苏格兰边远地区的生命线。

    Ferries are a lifeline to the far-flung corners of Scotland .

  5. 就在没多久之前,得克萨斯州还是一个荒无人烟的边远地区。

    Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier .

  6. 过去边远地区混乱不堪,而且没有法律。

    Areas near the frontier were rough and lawless in the old days .

  7. 新公路的建设打开了边远地区的大门。

    The building of the new road has really opened up the distant areas .

  8. 这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几乎都没有什么联系。

    Until recently , this remote tribe had little contact with the outside world .

  9. 在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。

    There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions .

  10. CT引导下穿刺活检在边远、高寒地区的临床应用价值

    CT-guided Biopsy in Remote , Alpine Area of Clinical Value

  11. 甘肃省边远贫困地区肺结核病人DOT管理现状调查分析

    Analysis on the status of DOT management in poor and remote area in Gansu province

  12. 【目的】了解边远地区儿童维生素A(vitaminA,VA)状况。

    【 Objective 】 To explore the status of vitamin A in children among remote area .

  13. ED玻璃,边远很锐,同类型中表现优异,眼罩可调节。

    ED glass , sharp to the edges , excellent in its category , eyecup adjustable .

  14. 为此,辽河油田研制了V系列液-液动态旋流分离器,该装置重量轻、体积小、能耗低,适合海上油田及边远区块使用。

    V-series dynamic liquid-liquid cycle-separator developed by Liaohe oilfield features light weight , compact size and energy efficient , which make it suitable for offshore and remote areas .

  15. 喀斯特边远农区植烟土壤重金属环境状况总体良好,但应重视Cd的控制管理。

    The environmental condition of heavy metals with tobacco-growing soils in remote Karst agricultural area was sound , but the control and management of Cd should be emphasized .

  16. 随后将EPON应用模型按小区、工业区、商业街区和边远地区几种接入方式进行说明。

    EPON application several access methods in residential , industrial areas , commercial districts and remote areas are presented .

  17. 国际电联致力于连通世界,致力于确保最边远地区和最弱势群体亦能受益于ICT。

    ITU is committed to connecting the world and to ensuring that the benefits of ICTs reach the remotest corners as well as the most vulnerable communities .

  18. 由于现在使用商业化HBV疫苗主要通过酵母表达系统生产,存在较高的生产成本,而且需要冷藏,因此对边远和经济不发达地区人群疫苗接种普及带来困难。

    But , commercial vaccine produced in yeast expression system is expensive for its higher production costs , and needs refrigeration . This made the universal vaccination difficult in remote areas and economically underdeveloped regions .

  19. WiMAX不但可以作为有线网络接入的无线扩展实现边远地区的网络连接,而且还可以实现无线城域网的接入。

    WiMAX as a wired network can not only expand wireless access to achieve network connectivity in remote areas , but also access the wireless metropolitan area network .

  20. 湖南省湘西边远贫困地区消除丝虫病后丝虫特异IgG4及快速免疫色谱检测分析

    Detection of Filarial-specific IgG4 Antibodies and Rapid Immunochromatographic Filariasis Test in Remote and Penniless Areas in Western Hunan Province after Filariasis Elimination

  21. 波启浦夕(Poughkeepsie)和水牛城等北部边远城市的失业率达到了战后未曾遇见的水平。

    Upstate towns such as Poughkeepsie and Buffalo have unemployment rates not seen since the war .

  22. TEG即热电发生器,以天然气为燃料,可满足边远无电地区输气管道阴极保护直流用电需要。

    Thermoelectric generator ( TEG ) which is driven by natural gas can supply direct current to CP system of gas transmission pipeline in remote and no power supply district .

  23. 将天然气转化为液体燃料(GTL),在战略上可为石油的接替准备一条途径,目前也可用于边远廉价天然气的开发利用,因此这一工艺的开发具有重要意义。

    As one of the strategic alternatives of liquid petroleum , gas to liquid ( GTL ) has already witnessed the development and utilization of remote and cheap gas resources .

  24. Banjarmasin的煤矿现在主要出口用于泰国,菲律宾以及内陆边远地区的发电站。

    Banjarmasin coal mine current exported to Power Plant in Thailand , Philippines and China beside local usage .

  25. 计划开展补充免疫活动(SIAs)提供了重要的人口统计学数据&首次在边远村庄和家庭中“发现”儿童,并在“地图上标出”他们所在的地点以便于今后的保健服务。

    Planning for SIAs provides key demographic data –" finding " children in remote villages and households for the first time , and " mapping " their location for future health services .

  26. 与此同时,组织此次活动的部分克莱斯勒人员已开始在准备下一款新车上市活动&这次将在遥远的俄勒冈边远林区,主角是粗犷版JeepWrangler。

    Meanwhile , some of the same Chrysler people who dodged the rain and traffic were preparing for their next new model launch & this one in remote backwoods Oregon for the rugged Jeep Wrangler .

  27. 结果SCL90总分由高到低依次为边远农村组、农村组、县镇组、城市组;

    Result From high to low , the order of total score of SCL-90 was the distant countryside group , the countryside group , the county group , the city group .

  28. 同时,还采取基于DEA-Malmquist指数方法,分别估算了城郊县和边远县2007-2009的财政支持新农村建设的Malmquist指数,以弥补DEA方法的不足。

    At the same time , it also takes DEA method based on Malmquist , to calculate Malmquist index of remote and suburban counties financial support for new rural construction from 2007 to 2009 , to make up for the deficiency of the DEA method .

  29. 评述世界各大石油公司GTL技术的进展,指出在边远地区为综合利用天然气资源及保护环境,建设相应规模GTL装置是可行的。

    It reviews the advance of TGL technology from large petrochemical companies in the world . It is considered that setting up some GTL plant at moderate scale in remote area is suitable for the purpose of environment protection and rational utilization of natural gas .

  30. 它是基站的延伸,其射频拉远单元(RRU)可以放置在高楼、地铁、边远地区等信号盲区,对提高网络的覆盖能力起着重要的作用。

    It is the extension device of the base station and can be placed in the signal blind zone , such as metro and remote area . It plays an important role in improving the network coverage .