
  • 网络Ganning;Canning
  1. 近代甘宁青农村市场研究

    A Study of Rural Markets in Modern Gansu , Ningxia and Qinghai

  2. 陕甘宁盆地具有较有利的成岩层序地层学研究条件。

    Ordos basin has favorable condition for the research work .

  3. 承认陕甘宁边区的合法地位;

    Recognize the legal status of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region .

  4. 论国民政府时期甘宁青的边疆教育

    On the Educational Status of the Frontier Areas During the Nationalistic Administration

  5. 陕甘宁盆地西缘泥岩压实研究

    A study of mudstone compaction in the west margin of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Basin

  6. 近代皮毛贸易在甘宁青地区的兴起

    The Starting of Fur Trade of Modern in Gan-Ning-Qing Region

  7. 论陕甘宁边区的土地政策和土地立法

    On Land Policy and Land Legislation in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region

  8. 论陕甘宁革命根据地电信事业的发展及其经验

    Development and experience of the telecommunication utilities in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia revolutionary base area

  9. (九)进攻陕甘宁边区,夺取延安;

    To launch attacks on the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and seize Yenan .

  10. 陕甘宁异地水氡含量与电导关系

    The relationship between Rn content in water and electric conductance

  11. 破坏陕甘宁边区,是这种阴谋的一部分。

    The disruption of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region was part of their plot .

  12. 甘宁青地区现今构造形变异常与地震

    Recent tectonic deformation anomaly and earthquakes in Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai area

  13. 加强农村文化教育建设,是推动当前甘宁青农村社会变迁的一项重要任务。

    Third , strengthen rural culture and education construction is an important task .

  14. 陕甘宁盆地三叠系延长组测井-沉积微相研究

    A log-sedimentary microfacies study of Triassic Yanchang Formation in Shan Gan Ning Basin

  15. 陕甘宁老区实施生态购买工程必要性的初步分析

    Discussion on the necessity of ecological purchase project in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia old liberated regions

  16. 甘宁青段黄河经济带发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Gan-Ning-Qing Section in the Yellow River Economic Zone

  17. 陕甘宁地区晚古生代沉积体系

    The Late Palaeozoic depositional systems of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia area

  18. 陕甘宁盆地遥感地质特征

    Remote sensing geological characteristics of the Ordos Basin

  19. 高利贷对民国时期甘宁青社会的深刻影响是多方面的。

    Usury of the Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai rural in Republican China aroused a multifaceted social impact .

  20. 垂直地震剖面层速度与声波测井速度的对比&陕甘宁盆地的工作案例

    Comparison of velocities from VSP and sonic log

  21. 陕甘宁盆地油气区及油气藏序列

    Region Shan-Gan-Ning petroliferous basin and its reservoir sequence

  22. 陕甘宁盆地天然气成因类型探讨

    A Discussion on the Origin Types of the Natural Gas in Shan Gan Ning Basin

  23. 陕甘宁及内蒙古西部地区夏季降水的异常气候特征

    Anomaly features of summer precipitation in eastern part of northwestern China and western Inner Mongolia

  24. 粘土矿物对陕甘宁盆地中生界砂岩储层性质的影响及其意义

    Effects of clay minerals on the Triassic sandstone reservoir in Shan-Gan-Ning basin and their significance

  25. 陕甘宁地区的礁相和混合相下志留统

    The reef facies and mixed facies Lower Silurian of shaanxi , Gansu and Ningxia districts

  26. 陕甘宁盆地煤系煤岩特征及成烃能力研究

    A study of the characteristics of coaliferous formations and their hydrocarbon-generation potential in Shan-Gan-Ning Basin

  27. 抗战前陕甘宁边区几乎没有近代工业。

    Before the Anti-Japanese War , there almost had no modern industry in the region .

  28. 他的名字是劳伦甘宁。

    His name is Laurent ganning .

  29. 陕甘宁盆地晚三叠世的三角洲

    Later Triassic deltas in Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Basin

  30. 陕甘宁盆地某油田延安组储集层孔隙结构特征研究

    Study of the reservoir porous structure in Yanan series of some oil field in Shan-Gan-Ning Basin