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  1. 基于这个评论,我在苹果5s。苹果6,苹果6+,iPadAir和iPadAir2都安装了第九代操作系统,无一例外,都运行得棒棒哒。

    Having said that , I 've run iOS 9 betas on an iPhone 5S , an iPhone 6 , iPhone 6 Plus , an iPad Air and an iPad Air 2 , and all performed extremely well .

  2. 现有人指出在老版苹果手机(如苹果4s)运行第九代操作系统时不能有很好的体验——这个人某种程度上说中了要点。

    Now one may argue that running iOS 9 on an older device ( like an iPhone 4S ) , isn 't going to lead to a great experience - and that person would have a point .

  3. 该家族第九代传人、即将成为该公司董事总经理的朱利叶斯•沃尔特斯(JuliusWalters)表示:我们的经营目标是在专业市场塑造领袖地位,而不仅仅是实现增长。

    Julius Walters , the ninth generation of his family to become managing director , says : We have run the business on the basis that we provide a leadership position in a niche and not just for growth .

  4. 我们家九代都是巴黎的警务人员。

    My family 's done police work in Paris for nine generations .

  5. 这一更新很重要因为现在整个第九代操作系统最大的特征就是语音操作系统啦。

    That 's important because Siri is now featured throughout iOS 9 .

  6. 据说奥巴马总统和布拉德皮特是第九代的表兄弟。

    President Barack Obama and Brad Pitt are said to be 9th cousins .

  7. 我希望你能用咒语诅咒他们的子孙九代。

    I want you to curse them and their descendants down to the ninth generation .

  8. 以下是对苹果第九代旗舰设备的预期。

    Here 's what to expect from the ninth generation of Apple 's flagship device .

  9. 第九代操作系统还有一个新的“低电量模式”,能够帮助你将电池电量发挥到极致。

    There 's a new Low Power Mode that will help you get the most out of your battery life .

  10. 第九代苹果操作系统较大升级了语音操作功能,她现在更像是一个真正的助手了。

    With iOS 9 , Siri gets a big upgrade and she 's a lot more like an actual assistant now .

  11. 四倍体鲫鲤经过九代(F3-F11)的四倍体性的繁殖,已形成了一个数目庞大的遗传性状稳定的群体。

    The tetraploid hybrids with stable genetic characteristics were inherited from F 3 to F 11 and a large population of tetraploid fish had been formed .

  12. 北魏立国100多年,历九代十二帝,是对南北朝历史影响较大的一个王朝。

    The Northern Wei lasted over a century , with 12 emperors of nine generations . It had relatively greater impact on the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  13. 诺亚是拉麦之子,为亚当和夏娃的第九代子孙,行为端正,蒙上帝选择在他的邪恶的同代人于洪水中灭亡后使人类能繁衍下来。

    The son of Lamech and ninth in descent from Adam , he was a man of blameless piety , who was chosen by God to perpetuate the human race after his wicked contemporaries had perished in the flood .

  14. 我是那种当一位第九代印尼药师跟你说你注定搬到巴厘岛跟他住四个月的时候,会觉得自己应当尽力而为的人。

    Now , I 'm the kind of person who , when a ninth-generation Indonesian medicine man tells you that you 're destined to move to Bali and live with him for four months , thinks you should make every effort to do that .

  15. 我抵达巴厘岛(简而言之,一个很好的地方)时,举办瑜伽营的老师问我们:你们在这里的时候,有没有人想去拜访一位传承到第九代的巴厘药师?

    When I got to Bali ( which is , to be brief , a very nice place ) the teacher who was running the Yoga retreat asked us , While you 're all here , is there anybody who would like to go visit a ninth-generation Balinese medicine man ?

  16. 如果同一个家族的九或十代人同时活在世上,家庭生活又会发生些什么?

    And what would happen to family life if nine or ten generations of the same family were all alive at the same time ?

  17. 于是九岁的特利莎·西尔代便拆开信读给他听。

    So Teresa Silva , aged nine , opened his letters and read them to him .