
jiǔ yī bā shì biàn
  • the September 18th Incident ;Mukden Incident of September 18th, 1931
  • the September 18th Incident
九一八事变 [jiǔ yī bā shì biàn]
  • [the September 18th Incident] 日本帝国主义大规模武装侵略中国东北的事件。1931年7、8月间,日本帝国主义为了公开侵略中国,制造了一系列挑衅事件。9月18日夜,日本驻在中国东北境内的关东军突然袭击沈阳东北军驻地北大营,炮轰沈阳城,同时在吉林、黑龙江发动进攻。19日晨,日军占领沈阳,接着分兵侵占吉林、黑龙江等省,至1932年1月,东北全境沦陷

  1. 九一八事变对中苏两国都构成了严重威胁。

    918 emergency posed serious threat to China and Soviet Union .

  2. 胡适在九一八事变后的爱国行动也对他的人生道路产生了深刻的影响。

    His patriotic activities also exerted influence on his life .

  3. 试探九一八事变不抵抗的原因

    Zhang Xueliang and the Non-resistance Policy after the Lugouqiao Incident

  4. 九一八事变与苏联的不干涉政策

    The September 18th Incident and the Soviet Union 's Policy of Noninterference

  5. 九一八事变前日本经济势力向黑龙江地区的扩张

    Japanese aggrandizement of economic force towards Heilongjiang Region before the September 18th Incident

  6. 九一八事变后,东北变成了日本的殖民地。

    After the September 18th Incident , Northeast China became the colony of Japan .

  7. 九一八事变后日本对黑龙江地区资源的掠夺

    Japan ′ s plundering Heilongjiang region of its resources after the September 18th Incident

  8. 九一八事变后日本攫取中国东北铁路权探析

    An Analysis of Japanese Snatching Chinese Rights to Northeast Railway after " 9.18 " Incident

  9. 九一八事变引起的民族危机,促进了民族复兴思潮的兴起。

    The national crisis caused by9 · 18 Incident , advanced the thoughts of national revival .

  10. 九一八事变后南京政府关于对日绝交的讨论甲午之前清政府驻外公使的选用

    Debates on Breaking Diplomatic Relations with Japan within the Nanjing Nationalist Government after the September 18 Incident

  11. 澄清九一八事变时不抵抗方针研究的误区

    Clearing up Some Misunderstandings in the Study of the Non-Resistance Policy During the Mukden Incident of 1931

  12. 十九路军原来在江西与红军作战,九一八事变后调往上海。

    This army , which had fought the Red Army in Kiangsi , was transferred to Shanghai after the September 18th Incident .

  13. 从这个意义上讲,九一八事变后的民族复兴思潮,具有很强的现实意义。

    In this sense , after " September 18 " incident the thought of national rejuvenation , has a strong practical significance .

  14. 从一九三一年九一八事变起,他对于日本帝国主义的侵略,一贯主张妥协。

    He had stood for compromise with the Japanese imperialists ever since their invasion of the Northeast on September 18 , 1931 .

  15. 九一八事变后,日本在其所占领的中国东北农村加强了对基层社会的控制。

    After the September18th Incident , Japanese authority strengthened its control over the grass-root society in rural areas of Northeast China they occupied .

  16. 日本充分利用中国内部不统一,侵略东北,策划建立满蒙“独立”政权。这是九一八事变的重要历史教训。

    The civil strife offered the enemy the opportunity to invade and China , that was the historical lesson of the September18th Incident .

  17. 1931年爆发的九一八事变对中国社会产生了强烈的冲击,民族救亡运动风起云涌。

    The September 18th Incident which broke out in 1931 pounded the society of China , then the national liberation movement was surging forward .

  18. 九一八事变后中日合办事业相继衰落,但在山东却坚持了下来,直到1945年日本战败投降。

    The joint ventures declined in succession after the September 18th Event , but has insisted on in Shandong until 1945 when Japan surrendered .

  19. 第一部分分析了这十年湖南教育发展概况:第一阶段,从马日事变到九一八事变为湖南教育的凋零时期;

    In the first stage , from the " Mari " Incident to the September-eighteenth Incident , the Hunan education was destroyed and with-ered .

  20. 1931年九一八事变爆发,中日间战略冲突日益明显,两国领导者都对即将到来的战争有着一定的预见。

    Since Mukden Incident happened in 1931 , Sino-Japanese strategic is increasingly clearly , the leaders of two countrys all awared of the upcoming war .

  21. 九一八事变爆发之后,日本以武力独霸阜新百里矿区丰富的煤炭资源,标志着日本对阜新煤炭资源的掠夺进入了新阶段。

    After the September18th Incident , Japan occupied the rich coal area of Fuxin by force , marking a new stage of its grabbing coal resources .

  22. 那是因为在一九三一年九一八事变发生后,中国人民的首要任务已经是反对日本帝国主义进攻中国了。

    This declaration was made because after the september18th incident in1931 , resistance to the Japanese imperialist invasion became the primary task of the Chinese people .

  23. 全文共分为三部分,叙述九一八事变以前,东北城市近代化的相关问题,主要是围绕城市公共管理与市民生活这两个核心问题展开讨论。

    The paper discusses the related problems about modernization of northeast cities before Mukden Incident , mainly about the urban public administration and citizen life in three parts .

  24. 游击战术思想用在抗日方面,九一八事变至抗战爆发处于酝酿与尝试阶段,1938年1月汉口会议时初步形成,1938年底正式确立并在其后得到发展。

    The thought got initial formation at Hankou Meeting in January 1938 ; it was established officially at the end of the year of 1938 and developed from then on .

  25. 九一八事变期间,当事国的中日双方和代表国联的英国三方之间,围绕着是否通过、如何通过直接交涉解决中日争端,发生了一场独特的外交争论。

    The debate of the direct negotiation during the period of the Sept18th Incident is the one that whether or not the dispute between China and Japan should be settled peacefully .

  26. 九一八事变,日本吞并中国东北,天皇同军部站在同一立场上,默许、鼓舞了军部的这一军事冒险;

    During the September 18 Incident in which Japan annexed the Northeast of China , Mikado Hirohito stood on the side of the army headquaters , acquiescing in and encouraging this military adventure .

  27. 九一八事变以后,日本把东北完全变成了自己的殖民地和支援战争的前沿阵地,并于1932年炮制了伪满洲国。

    After the Sept.18 Incident , northeast in China became the colony of Japan and the position in the war . It work out puppet Manchukuo in 1932.It caused the economy in Northeast be controlled by Japan .

  28. 九一八事变之后,日本建立了伪满洲国,对东北地区各族人民进行了长达14年之久的殖民统治。

    Japan established the state of Manchukuo after Mukden Incident , and then the people in northeast china were enslaved by Japan for about fourteen years . During this period , Japan carried out different policies against different nations in order to maintain the Colonization .

  29. 九一八事变到卢沟桥事变期间,日本帝国主义以其大陆政策为指导,对中国采取蚕食政策,逐渐加紧其侵略的步伐,从而造成了一个又一个的侵略事件。

    During the period from the September 18 Incident to the Lugou Bridge Incident , under the guide of the Continent Policy , the Japanese Imperialists accelerated steps to invade China by means of encroachment , and then resulted in a series of aggressive incident .

  30. 《生活》周刊对日本侵华的分析、认识及其抵御主张,吸引了大批读者,为其赢得了声誉,奠定了九一八事变后《生活》周刊抗日救亡活动的舆论和群众基础。

    All these publicity of ideals attracted a large of readers which made the magazine enjoy honors , and it laid a foundation of mass and public opinion for Life Weekly 's actions to resist Japanese aggression and save the country after September 18th Incident .