
  1. 通过调查得知,浙江西部的衢州九华山共有野生蕨类植物103种,隶属于29科,53属。

    Investigations demonstrated that there are 103 species of wild pteridophyte , which belong to 53 genera 0f 29 families in Jiuhuashan of west Zhejiang .

  2. 美国文化的基本特征可以用这样九个方面共十八个相对应的文化侧面来说明:宗教文化与世俗文化的结合;

    The characteristic of American culture can be illustrated by nine aspects including eighteen corresponding cultural sides : the combination of religious culture and secular culture ;

  3. 结合访谈内容,将影响因素进行了补充为九个方面,共28个。

    Combination with interviews , we add other influence factors to the ninth aspects .

  4. 目前,摩拜已经在包括中国、美国、英国、日本、新加坡和意大利等九个国家、共180个城市投放了七百多万辆共享单车。

    Currently , Mobike runs over 7 million shared bikes in 180 cities in nine countries , including China , the United States , Britain , Japan , Singapore and Italy .

  5. 据上海市商务委员会发布的数据显示,截至九月底,共有393家跨国公司在上海设立地区总部,其中,生产制造业占77.1%,服务业占22.9%。

    The statistics from the city 's commerce commission also showed that , as of the end of September , about 77.1 percent of Shanghai 's 393 regional multinational headquarters were involved in manufacturing and 22.9 percent of them were involved in the service sector .

  6. 儒学原理主要包含在九本书里,这九本书共分两部分:“四书”和“五经”。

    The principles of Confucianism are mainly contained in nine Chinese works that can be divided into two groups : the Four Books and the Five Classics .